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New grey owner from Denmark! [Warning: looooong post & pictures]

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Judy - i have uploaded an mp3 with the noise she is making - i would like you to hear it and give your opinion on why she makes it? yesterday and today she has made this squeaky noise from 8 am to 7 pm - constantly frem morning to evening - she hasnt even been sleeping in the midday or anything.


honestly its worrys me a bit - and im going nuts over the constant squeaking right now. When i say constant i really mean CONSTANT - if she is eating, playing, resting, or sitting with us, nomather what she does she makes the sound every 3 seconds every single minute of the whole day! that cant at all be normal! only very few times she stops with the noise is when she calls for one of us if we leave the room. then she whistles for us or screams whichever she likes most.


please help me out a bit here - i did expect a lot of noise from a baby parrot - but not this constant noise that cant be silened nomather what we do og do not do.



BTW - on the mp3 she is eating while she is making the noices, you might think she at least would be silent then, but no , darn it :(


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Hi Roseanna!


Welcome to the forum!

Happy is absolutely wonderful! You're doing everything perfectly! :)


It sounds to me like she may want some warm food... Sully made those noises too. I handfed him until he was about 4 months old, and just a couple weeks ago he started honking again. He would honk ALL DAY... even while eating :) Everyone pointed out to me that Sully may just be wanting some warm food, be it formula, mash (look in the foods forum) or something like that. We chose pumpkin, and he loves to eat it warm. It quieted that honking right away. I know that when greys come to a new place, and they feel uncertain, they often wish to be handfed again for a little while. If you haven't handfed before, I would suggest just warming up some oatmeal, pumpkin, or something soft (with no sugar) and feed it to her on a spoon :)


Let us know how she's doing!

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After hearing Sully, I have to agree with Jenn, your baby is asking to be fed.....Some will require formula for up to a year or longer. Hi, Maggie here...here's an easy warm food smash...take a orange or yellow sweet potato/yam and boil it until soft and mushy, peel it and add some organic baby food like applesauce, pears, etc (whatever your baby likes) or smash in a small chunk of banana and add in a small amount of natural or organic peanut butter and mix well. (warm it in the microwave under 109 degrees) You can feed it to the baby or you can put it on a plate and feed himself. Try it in the morning and at bedtime. All our fids love their warm smash...LOL...


Jay and Maggie

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JD - thank you so much for your answer! We really want to do what is best for our little girl, and we will definately try the spoon feeding to see if that could help her feel better (and give us som ear-rest :P) I read something about warm baby food on spoon, would that be ok? Otherwise i think i would go with the oatmeal. But how much would be appropiate for her? She eats a lot during the day already.


We are really looking forward to update you on this matter, i really hope it helps!



Jayd - thank you very much for your reply - i would love to try out your recipe, but unfortunately sweet potatoes are not available here in my country. Would a carrot be sufficient? I really hope the warm feeding will do the trick :D

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Yes, just substitute Carrot for sweet potato..If you choose "baby food" get the ones with the lowest Iron, salt, etc. Oatmeal iuse it'ss great, sometimes a young one who still requires feeding won't accept it because it's coarse, they tend to like the smooths textures.

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Babyfood is fine, but actual veggies smashed up by you is better. Baby food is super high in iron, something Jayd has been quick to point out is not good in large amounts! :) Right Jayd?! :)


The Smash is wonderful, and I use pumpkin instead of sweet potatoes...

Sully cannot imagine a world without sweet potatoes ;)


Roseanna, a couple of days ago I posted a video of Sully honking... if you want, take a look and see if it compares to Happy's sounds :)


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She has now eaten a whole teaspoon full of mashed carrot - her crop is full and bulging out, but she still honks at me? She refused the spoon tha last few times i offered her some, so i guess she is full? well.. she honks still and right now she is eating her seed while honking ;) I really hope it will help long term, so she wont have to do the noises constantly.

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well.. a small update ;)


After she refused the carrot, and still made noises, i decided to cook a pear cut up in pieces and instead of using water i cooked it in pineapplejuice - well THAT was something she liked! :D she ate almost the whole pear i cooked (small one) and now she is silent and playing with a new toy she got today! BIG succes! :D

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That's great!! lol, sometimes you have to experiment to see what they want!

Another thing you may want to try is feeding her a little warm food (pear, carrot, etc.) right before bed. It's comforting to Sully, maybe it will be to Happy too?


So glad you found something she loves!

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yes i think i will feed her a little bit before bedtime today ;) She was silent for at little bit, but she now screams a lot instead haha.. guess she has got enough time for that now she doesnt have to call for food. she has been mumbling to the tv a bit also.. progress ;)

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A note on iron. Birds in nature are exposed to iron oxide through contact with soil containing the compound. In some cases, it can affect their coloration, turning them reddish. Also, some birds have iron oxide particles in their beaks, which is thought to aid in navigation using the earth's magnetic field.


I have fed Dayo baby food warmed up since he was just a baby.


It all comes down to common sense and moderation. Too much Vitamin A will kill any creature as well...

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It's the same as a baby, to much iron is bad for a Grey,

Iron Storage or Iron Overload Disease is characterized by the storage of excess iron in the liver and other organs.

It may be caused by an increased absorption of iron from the intestine even when the body does not require it. This is called primary iron overload. This is usually caused by an inherited abnormality known as hereditary haemochromatosis.

However, if iron is overdoses (over-supplementation), the body cannot expel the overload of iron quickly enough. So the body starts to store it in the liver. If accumulated in large concentrations, iron is toxic to liver cells.

This can cause the accumulation of fluids in the body with difficulty breathing, and it can involve the heart and other organs.

Toxicity can lead to cell death and fibrosis.

Iron Storage Disease is not found in wild populations of birds; it is, therefore, considered a disease of captive birds, which supports the theory that over-fortified food may be one of the reasons of this sharp increase in occurrences of this condition.


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Thank you for sharing about iron and parrots! :D Nice to know such things.


I have sort of another problem after i fed Happy warm food yesterday and today - if i feed her at 8 am, she will refuse when she has eaten the amount she wants. but after about 1-2 hours later she will start over again, honking to be fed by me? i tell her to eat her veggies or pellets and leave her alone for a bit, but she will continue the honking again 1-2 hours later.


She did not want any food last night, so i guess it will only be morning feedings - but what should i do about the begging later on the day? im a bit afraid if i start to feed her several times a day that she will stop feeding herself, and pend on me to do it for her? I do not want that at all.


i might just be overly worried about her, but i think its a bit strange behaviour, and im worried that i do somethings wrong about her?

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All things in moderation and no one has any worries....


If your baby grey still wants some up close and personal feeding two or three times a day, do so. These baby ways will pass, so I would recommend enjoying them while they exist. We continue to feed our grey formula until he quit asking at about 6 months old. Some greys love a handing feeding even when fully mature. Each grey is different, so there are no Iron clad rules.


Your baby will not stop feeding herself, she is eating what you provide and as an infant simply enjoys the "Parental" feeding they would get in the wild at times as well at this age. Relax and enjoy your parrot. I know it's easy to say and hard to do though, we all fret over our feathered children as if they were birthed by us.


A note on iron disease, this is a very rare thing to occur. All living creatures must in fact have iron to live a healthy life. So as I said previously... moderation.

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I totally get what you're saying! With Sully, When he would honk, I would put some mushy food (just about a teaspoon) in his feeding dish, and let him eat it. That way, if it was the mushyness he craved as comfort, he could still get it. I was worried about him becoming dependant on me being able to feed him when he honked... so I tried that, and it worked! I still fed him in the evening, and after a couple of days he stopped honking! They say greys are like babies... wonder if sometimes they honk for attention?

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I have been feeding her twice today with warm mashed carrots with a tiny bit of baby berrie sauce. She loves it, and has been quieter than the other days. I did as Sully suggested about putting a bit of the leftover warmed mushy food in one of her food bowls, and she ate it all. I saw her actually playing with loud junglescreams attacking her rope toys for the first time - and she even did a new sound for us, a very loud unsatisfied "MEEEEOOOOOUW?" perfectly mimicked from our kitten when she wants to go outside through the door and things doesnt happen fast enough for her :D She has been practicing all of her babbling/sound repetoire today, its the first time we have heard that also. Extremely funny to hear which noises she actually can do, but we haven't heard before now.

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