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New grey owner from Denmark! [Warning: looooong post & pictures]

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Hi all


I have been reading posts in here in the past week, and decided now was the time to register and become a member :D


Me and my BF had been talking about getting birds on/off over the past 5 years, and when we one day came by some really charming amazons in a pet store, we decided that it had to be a parrot!


We then started researching about the different species of parrots, and totally fell in love with the GREY :D Personality wise this bird has no match (at least not in our minds) ;)


About a week ago we went to a breeder who had some 3 months old just weaned, grey babies for sale, and we fell very much in love with a little girlie. She just stepped happily onto our fingers, and climbed our arms with little charming happy noises - how could anyone not fall in love with that? :D


We hurried out to buy foods, cage and toys - and sneaked out in the woods very early in the morning to cut branches of the trees for perches and homemade toys :P


Well the cage is now set up for the new baby, and it looks like this:






the water bowl at the left, and the 3 food bowls at the right - 1 for a little bit of seed, 1 for fruits/veggies and 1 for pellets.


We didnt put up perches in the top of the cage, to not overwhelm the baby at the start with the big cage - for the same reason there is only a few toys in there - and some more on top with the playstand. The cage measures 80cm wide x 60cm deep x 160cm tall or 2.6' wide x 2' deep x 5.3' tall ;)


We are about to pick up the baby in 2 hours from now - so right now im very ecstatic and cant find rest anywhere - trying to by registering to this forum and posting this looong introduction about us ;)


About us - we are a young couple, i (Rose) am 23 y old, and my BF (Dan) is 24 y ;) I am a student, and Dan is a factory worker, soon going to study as a glass/window worker.


In my sparetime i love to do something creativ and i paint and draw a bit (mostly horses) creates fancy show tack for arabian horses, or doing logos at request.


Some of my work:








And then we have a beautiful arabian mare called Troja, she is right now in foal to a gorgeus egyptian arabian stallion:




And our two cats - a wild cat we tamed as a kitten, Misser (means Kittycat), he is now 4 years old and a very grumpy yet loving old goat :P And then we have Bella, a very active grey Bengal kitten from 2009.


That was about it, i think ;) Thats a bit about us and out little family of animals. We are looking very much forward to adding a grey to it.


See you out on the forum! :cool:


- Rose

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WOW and welcome Roseanna, Flock,, Mare with child and the whole ranch. :)


Your timing seemed to be impeccable in deciding to finally get the bird you had been considering for quite a long while. The cage and setup is wonderful. I suspect you may have already brought your new baby home and are getting settled in now.


Your paintings and artwork is beautiful and thanks for all the photos. :)


I am looking forward to hearing and seeing much more as this all unfolds. With a new baby Grey to update us on, a mare about ready to pop and all the other critters, interests and hobbies you have I am certain there will be many.

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Thank you for your reply Dan :D As you assumed, we are back home with our new family member, she is so curious and exploring her cage, have been around to all the 3 food bowls and tasting and eating a bit from them all :D mostly she climbs around in the cage to figure out how to get frem one end to the other :D Sometimes making unsatisfied noices when she cant figure it out :P Picture will follow when she is a bit more settled in..

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Your art is beautiful, and your mare is gorgeous! Can't wait to hear more about your new baby.


You are right about greys being very full of personality. Ours is a real little character with a mind of his own. My husband says it's more like having a little extra-terrestrial in the house than another bird.

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Rose - I know you will be busy just ensuring your new baby is feeling comfortable and enjoying the new home and flock. I look forward to seeing an update in a day or two. :)


Of course, there is always the babies nap time you could squeeze in an update. :P

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Thank you all for your welcomes :D


The baby is asleep for the night now, it took her a little while to find rest after i put the blanket on her cage, but she is sleeping on her corner rope perch now ;)


It has been a very exciting day, she is so happy, and she likes to sing a certain little melody the breeder learnt her :D She is already calling out for us if one of us leaves the room.


She loves to be scratched, she is just absolutely adorable ;)


The cats have both been at the cage to say hello, and sniffing at the cage and looking very scared about the bird haha. The kitten had her nose too close to the cage and the bird was right at her trying to scare her off - it worked!


Pictures will follow tomorrow i think ;)

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Hello Rose and welcome to our family, so glad to see you did your research when you decided to join the ranks of parrot ownership and you are embarking on the ride of a lifetime so sit back and enjoy.

If everyone followed your footsteps we wouldn't have so many birds in need of rescuing and rehoming for too many people jump in on a whim and then later realize what they have gotten themselves into.

I can't wait to see some pictures of her and btw have you given her a name yet?

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Judygram - Yes research before buying is crucial :D So many things can go wrong if you dont have the basic knowledge with you.


We havent named her yet :D Absolutely no clue on what to call her, but i guess eventually something fitting will come to our minds when we have had her for a while :P

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i managed to snatch a few pictures of "the beast" while she was sitting at the playstand. I just made a few toys for her to play with (one with macaroni and the other with a newspaper)










She was more focused on the camera than playing, so the pictures look similar ;)


im trying to teach her to do the wolf whistle and she almost had it, im sure it will come out right soon ;) She is a quick learner!

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Thank you all for your replys on my baby :D


She is adorable, making little gremlin noices all the time - and demanding attetion - high peak squeaks are completely ignored by us, so whenever she tries the whistle we answer back - hopefully she will learn not to scream to get attention ;)


We have been talking about names for her, but havent found the right one yet.


Tbird - im sure you will have a horse sometime in the future :D Horses are a joy to work with!

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We had our Moussa DNAd when he was a baby to learn the sex. We had a girl and a boy name picked out, and we called him Possum until we learned which he was. There's a Mayan tribe that calls their babies Possum until the naming ceremony, and I always thought that was cute.


I think choosing a name for a new baby is a lot of fun.

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Thank you all for your sweet replies :D I really hope she will live up to the name under our care - only thing right now is that she squeaks every time she eyes any of us and opens her beak as if she wants us to feed her - although she has been weaned over the past few weeks? Is an almost hysterical noise she is making - hoping though she will get through it - she eats well of her fruit/veggies and pellets.

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