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I feed raw vegetables to my parrots at least once a week. Pumpkin is a squash so I see nothing wrong with it. Looking on the internet I see it is okay. No one cooks their veggies in the wild so I have always fed ffresh clean raw, squash, cucumbers, peas, radishes, carrots, and other fresh veggies to my fids.

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Well that makes me feel a lot better!! I'm possitive I gave her fresh pumpkin last year. I gave her some for breakfast this morning and she was going at it so fast you couldn't understand her when she said YUMM. She says YUMM when I bring her breakie to her every morning. Today it was more like...ummmm. Her little face was buried in it.


I did take the seeds out, is it ok for her to have raw pumpkin seeds?

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Those pictures are adorable!

I was actually wondering the same thing about pumpkin seeds. I always roast mine and I wanted to give Sully some, but I wasn't sure. I can't wait to give him some pumpkin! He already had a little taste of my pumpkin slushee the other day :x

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Uhmmmm...Maybe I did a bad thing.....I bought one of the little pumpkin pie pumpkins and cut it in half to make a pumpkin bowl, then I put her pellets in it and thought she would happily munch on a little pumpkin during the day. Well, I came home to what I can only describe as a bird room that looked like someone put a pumpkin in a blender and forgot to put the lid on it. It's on the floor, the cage, the wall. I even found some in the tiel cage and I didn't give him any of it. How far can a bird fling pumpkin??

If she did eat to much of it, how much is too much and is my Rebel gonna get sick?? She didn't act sick at all last night and this morning even looked a little disappointed that there was no edible bowl again.

I guess I'll wait awhile before her next pumpkin treat in such a large dose.

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I love to let the fids loose while I'm carving jack o lanterns. I've never seen any bad side effects. They have free reign of a huge pile of guts & pieces while I work.


What seeds survive get cleaned. I usually hold out enough to feed raw the next day. The rest get baked for long term storage. Sometimes, even the people get some.


Just seems like these huge, yummy, bright colored veggies are naturally designed for a parrot to want to tear into. Kind of like setting them loose on a fresh ear of corn still in the husk. Equal parts good food & good fun.


One bad thing is finding out how far pumpkin can fly, like Aly said. But that's one of the benefits of having a dog who likes pumpkin. :D Also, everyone has to get a bath when they're done playing with their food.

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One bad thing is finding out how far pumpkin can fly, like Aly said. But that's one of the benefits of having a dog who likes pumpkin. :D Also, everyone has to get a bath when they're done playing with their food.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I know that well too. :) Maybe we should all start a "Grey Pumpkin tossing contest". :P

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