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Kopi update


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Since Kopi has shown a preference to sitting with me if I get a fleece blanket and recline on the sofa, we have had one to two hour snuggles every evening. He seems to feel secure to have the blanket pulled up around him like he is in a little tent, then puts his head out for me to scratch to his little heart's delight. He lays on his chest and lets his legs dangle, so I know he is totally relaxed. Last time I got too relaxed and drifted off to sleep. I may have snored a tad because I was quickly brought back to the moment when he pinched my nose. LOL I have to say, I have done the same to my snoring husband, so it was just what I deserved. It has been more than a month now since I have heard him plaintively say "wanna go back?". Since his grip isn't strong, I have also noticed he likes to have a blanket and be carried in my arms instead of perching on my hand. He will let me take him all over the house for "tours" every day. I also put a blanket on the floor and will lie down there with him while he tentatively explores a little, but he doesn't leave the edge of the blanket. Once though, I got up to go to the kitchen and looked back and he was very very slowly and cautiously following me. I thought it was courageous, but it didn't last too long. He was waving his foot for me to pick him up and I didn't deny him. We are taking such tiny little steps but he is building trust and shows an interest to be with me. I have an appreciation for "grey time" and I am happy for him to set that pace for me.

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Thanks Dee for that wonderful update on Kopi, I know you enjoy these snuggling times and he sounds like he is sort of timid like my Josey but the two of you are getting along nicely. That is funny that he pinched your nose as if to say "quiet down as you are making too much noise" what a picture that must be of him laying on your chest with his feet hanging down, if you could get a picture of that I would love to see it.

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Thanks to all of you for our support, I would have made a lot of mistakes and tried to get close too soon. Kopi will step up for either of my girls, but still is wary of my husband. David keeps trying and being patient with him. We haven't had any growling at David in at least six weeks, so that is a good sign. Also, he will eat a treat when David drops it in the food dish and steps away. Before, Kopi would carry it to the edge of the cage top and drop it for the dogs, LOL. He will permit David to give him a lift from the floor when I set him down there, but he leans way away from him. I know it is because David travels a lot and it will just take time. I remind him often that Kopi could suddenly change allegiance and become his best buddy. We will just have to keep encouraging both the men in my life. LOL.

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Hahaha, Dan I can only hope we get to the famous neck pinch when our little boy can fly. It might not be near as funny as Dayo doing it to you though. Thanks Jay, I have to say that everything I learned about getting along with Kopi has come from this site. I tried the fleece blanket early on and he wanted no part of it, but then read it again when someone else tried it and this time, it has been a godsend. There are no words to express how happy it makes me that he will get so totally relaxed that he lets me drift off to sleep. Also, in just the past two nights, he has been gracious to allow David to reach into his cage and take an almond from his hand. That is a major breakthrough for us, all it took was for me to go to bed early and let the fellows work it out.

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What a great update Dee. Kopi really does sound like the sweetest most joyous little soul to have in your lives. You've been so patient with him and it's paying dividends. And what a great breakthrough that he is taking a treat from David. Looking forward to hearing about the next milestone. x

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