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monkey nuts do u cook yours


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monkey nuts are supposed to be cooked to stop any fungus on them getting to birds. there are 2 types of monkey nuts which u can get hold of easily. 1 is the monkey nuts uncooked and the other is roasted monkey nuts, i had to cook buddys nuts in oven for 20 minutes .until i discovered asda in the uk and wal mart in other countries do roasted monkey nuts cos steve bought some from there the other day if they are roasted dont need to cook them they are already done. the other ones u get in pet stores are the uncooked ones just put em in oven for 20 minutes and it clears any fungus off the nuts. buddy loves these nuts.


why do parrots love us cos we are loving and caring people.B)

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Guest briansmum

that's great info mandi, we've gone over the nut thing so many times. makes sense too. i'm with CD, straight into the FAQ section for the tasty tit bit!

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Well some of the members say they give their birds the human grade peanuts, and I think they are roasted, so those may be allright to give them, I think I will try those. Personally I wouldn't want to eat raw peanuts anyway, and all of them we buy as snacks are roasted, just get the unsalted ones.

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Guest briansmum

no i would never eat raw ones, and i would never feed them to brian. the ones i buy are human grade and already roasted, as mandi said, from Asda (Wal-mart)

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Guest briansmum

i don't know talon, i was talking about the shelled ones. monkey nuts are the ones in shells that the fungus grows in, but if you rost them (in the shell) first on a high temprature the heat will kill off the fungus. but in supermarkets human grade ones are likely to already be roasted.

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In reading this thread, I thought it odd that roasting peanuts was being promulgated as removing the aflatoxins.


In doing some research on this theory, it is partly correct.


Roasting does remove a percentage of the aflatoxins, but not all.


Here is a snippet from a scientific study conducted on this topic:


"Peanut seeds were prepared with variations in roasting conditions. Positive correlations were obtained between loss of aflatoxins in the products and the roasting conditions. Seeds dry- roasted at 140C for 40 min resulted in 58.8% and 64.5% reductions in AFB1 and AFG1, those roasted at 150C for 25 minutes resulted in 68.5% and 73.3% reductions in AFB1 and AFG1, respectively. Roasting at 150C for 30mins led to 70.0% and 79.8% reductions in AFB1 and AFG1 respectively."


As you can see from the results, the best results obtained was between 70 to 79 percent removal.


Personally, I buy only in the Human Grade, shell roasted and unsalted peanuts (Monkey Nuts).


Then I open them and check for any suspicious presence of aflatoxin and if detected, throw it away. This is the only way to ensure your parrot is receiving 100 percent aflatoxin free Peanuts.


So, be warned, simply roasting does not remove all the aflatoxin.

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Yes thanks Dan, for the information, I did buy some unsalted peanuts in the shell, human grade, but Josey does not care for them. Maybe I will offer them out of the shell and see if she takes to them better.


We can always count on you for this type of investigating and reporting to us when we need it, thanks for the good work, Dan, this is why I love ya.

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Wow! Talon loves the peanuts in the shell. She likes to break them open and let the peanuts fall on the floor. She now loves almonds, as I stopped giving her peanuts about a year ago. But she still does not like pine nuts! :blink:

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