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For parting is such sweet sorrow...


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Yesterday, around 845 pm, my dad's beloved lovebird, Juliet passed away for reasons unknown. The day before, she was chirping to him, ringing her bell when he told her to, and playing. She filled a void in my fathers heart that he never knew existed. He is absolutely devestated by her being gone so quickly. She kept him company throughout the day, and with him being home all day by himself, I know he will still here her calling to him. She will be greatly missed by my mother, myself, and my husband as well: we all got to spend a little time with her before she departed for her long flight to heaven.


I never knew such a little being could have such an impact on our lives. My father will not be getting another bird, and is taking her cage down first thing when he wakes up... He built her a huge 6.5 foot tall wooden cage...she loved every inch of it!!!


Juliet, thank you for making my daddys battle with cancer bareable up til now, and I hope he can heal from his broken heart. Thank you for making sure my hair was always preened and that my daddys glasses were always crooked. Your brother Romeo will miss you dearly- and will miss our visits over to your house. Since the two of you are identical, it's hard to look at him right now... But his chirps are comforting.

Thank you Juliet... We love you.


Rest easy, sweet Juliet..."good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow."

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