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Chewing on feathers that have fallen off


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I was just wondering if anyone knew why they do this? He sometimes likes to play and chew on the feathers that fall off due to molting. Does he get something from it? Should I not let him because he thinks its fun and might start pulling them out for real?

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Cleo, if presented with a molted feather, goes absolutely bonkers at it. She will scream at it, shake her foot and throw it. If she happens to see one of those little downy feathers floating past, she will lunge and scream at it. I don't think there's any harm in your bird playing with a feather. If it keeps him occupied, then why not = )

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All of my birds (with the exception of Romeo) will go after feathers. If there is one on the floor, they are all racing to see who can pick it up first! They don't mangle them though. Joe will go up and down that molted feather until it looks perfect enough to put back in!!! :laughs:

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