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Honking and trying to be fed...


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So sully has started this new thing over the past week. He honks like he did when he was being handfed, and everytime I touch his head, he does the feeding response thing. He does this ALL DAY, and I mean all day... unless hes asleep... He has been weaned for over a month now, and has been eating fruits and vegetables and little seed. He drinks fine, and gets plenty of attention and time out. I posted earlier about wondering if he was eating enough, and now this worries me even more that he's not eating enough. "Is this normal?" Seems to be the question I need an answer to...:confused:


Any ideas as to why he is suddenly reverting back to being a baby grey? We have no other babies in the house, and everyone has been weaned for years.



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It seems he may still want a "comfort feeding". Some greys require a single hand feeding a day even as old as 6 months, even though they are eating other foods fine. He certainly looks well fed. Maybe try "re-weening" him ? Something like a small hand feeding before bedtime every evening for a week, then every other evening, then every thrid and so on. If he eats it its only more nutruints to help him grow bigger and stronger. If he refuses, then thats fine its his choice.


We had to ween Cosmo gradually like this. He would still ask for food like that, but when it was offered would refuse it after only a bite or two. After a couple of weeks he just stopped asking :)

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Yes, by all means, give him a 50cc bedtime feeding of formula let him eat as much as he wants. You might want to try the smash in the mornings also we've had good luck with it on babie's....Here Ya Go....Jayd

:cool:We Feed Our Fid's!!!


Breakfast and Dinner: Yum, they gets, Yellow or Red Sweet-potato, [cut, put in pan, fill 1/2 full with water, cook till mushy] then we add to 1 tbsp: Natural unsweetened Applesauce, or, mashed Fresh Pear,[1 thin slice], or, 1 slice of Banana, to this we ad 1/4 teasp of "Natural Peanut Butter" [skippys], mix it all together, warm it in a microwave,[under 110 degrees]. This is served on a saucer along with: 1 tbsp each of lightly cooked, Lentils, Split Peas,[yellow or green] Orzo and Star pasta, and 4-10 Cooked plain Garbanzo beans.:o


During the Day:


Fresh Veggie Time!!!;)


Each bird gets, depending on what there favorite is: Some Chopped Dark Green Leafy veggie, slice or 2 of Squash, [Zucchini, Yellow, Chayote] 1-2 Grapes, A couple Pieces of Pepper, [Red, Yellow, Orange, Anaheim, etc] 1-2 Sweet Peas in pod. Once or twice a week they get their Egg, cooked Corn on the Cob, Chicken Drum Stick, Bites of Turkey and Fish.

Seed and Pellets are kept in there cage after dinner till breakfast!


Note: this alone, with Dark Green Leafy veggies, and Sunlight for Calcium absorption,has more dietary needs then pellets or seeds! Ad a little Protein, ie: White Chicken/Turkey/Salmon/Tuna, and a Well Done Hard boiled egg, shell and all, a couple times a week for a complete healthy diet. Keep a little pellets and seeds available, our large fid's are given approx 1/8 cup a day.:rolleyes:

Hi, Maggie here...chief cook, bottle washer and Jay's other half...Thank you...it is easy. We prepare it fresh daily and refrigerate it. The cooked sweet potatoes, rice, orzo, beans, lentils last about three days. (Of course, they have eaten it all by then anyway...LOL)


The night before, I mix the sweet potato with the peanut butter and apple sauce and when Jay gets up in the morning (five days a week), he puts everything on a plate (in nice little globs) and warms it in the microwave before adding his choice of fruit. Then he divides it on to 4 plates, one for each of the Fids except for Joey and Spock (they are fed from the same plate).

It is so easy to prepare that we like to make them fresh. Every three days, I make the food the night before. What is so nice about about this is nutritionally, they are getting what they need along with the fresh veggies, green leafy veggies and small amount of pellets/seeds they get. And...say you have a small amount of cooked carrots or small amount of boiled white potatoes, you can add or substitute for the sweet potato. Peas, carrots, any of the good veggies can be substituted. If you have spaghetti, you can sub chopped for the Orzo. The main reason we don't freeze is some of the veggies can take on a different taste once frozen.


Final note: Cooked Garbanzo Beans ( Chickpeas) we always feed them last, otherwise they don't eat their meal (they like them WAY too much...LOL)


****Beans and rice make a complete protein****

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Thanks :)

he really likes the baby rice cereal from gerber mixed with applesauce or sweet potatoes ( he actually first tried it when my nephew threw his full spoon and it landed in sullys cage) I try to limit it though, so I'll try the mash that was recommended!!! He loves eggs and potatoes the most!!


Not to mention, I do kinda miss our night night feedings :)

thanks again everyone :) I'll try this in the morning bc I already gave him some scrambled eggs and he went off to sleep :)

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It does sound like Sully might need a nighttime feeding again and it can't hurt him, just give it as long as he wants it, he will let you know when to quit. Some just weaned greys will revert back to that comfort laden feeding and it makes him more content so go ahead and provide it for him.

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Thank you, you should limit the amount of regular potato and egg you feed your baby, to much white potato isn't good for them, sweet potato is Grey't. Baby cereals once in a while is ok, to much Iron, try instant oatmeal, you can even mix other things in with it.....Jayd

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What do you guys think about cream of wheat? We have tried the oatmeal, and he doesn't like it unless it's got large amounts of sugar in it, and I don't want him having that much sugar. I was thinking he would like cream of wheat bc the texture is similar to the baby rice cereal. Do you think that may have too much iron as well? Whew...



By the way, gave him a little peanut butter this morning- he loves it!! I just mixed it with brocolli (ewwwwwwwww, right?) and he gobbled it down!!!

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When we brought Moussa home, he still begged for baby food. We gave him an evening feeding with a spoon, as much and for as long as he liked. He just gradually took less and less and grew less interested until we dropped it. By the way, he'll still try to chug sometimes if I grasp or handle his beak as you were doing, and he's 7 mos. (He also thinks the Keurig coffee maker is regurgitating for him when it makes a cup of coffee, so I have to really watch him and keep him away from it, or he'll run over to it and start trying to chug!)


For our "baby" feedings, Moussa liked the Bob's Red Mill Brown Rice Farina as a base. It's kid of a cream of rice made with brown rice. We added a little bit of almond butter to it. He also liked the butternut squash & corn and green been flavors of baby food.

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Issac is 10 months old, I STILL give him his formula. He loves it and it is super good for him. In a way it's a lucky break because his diet is as steady as it gets. he still eats his vegetables, nuts and other foods...but he loves his formula. Gets excited every time. Feed the lil guy what he wants...it can't hurt.


By the way, what a sweet lil bird.

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Issac is 10 months old, I STILL give him his formula. He loves it and it is super good for him. In a way it's a lucky break because his diet is as steady as it gets. he still eats his vegetables, nuts and other foods...but he loves his formula. Gets excited every time. Feed the lil guy what he wants...it can't hurt.


By the way, what a sweet lil bird.

Thank you :)

Wow! Really? Well, I guess it is really good for them!



We've been giving him the smash every morning, and it seems to really help. He hasn't been honking at all since we started it! I also cut his egg intake in half ( I now give him 1/3 of the white part of a boiled egg every other day) and give him peanut butter every day he doesn't get any egg. The one thing he really likes is pasta.. but it's gotta be the elbows! lol he just plays with flat noodles and gets the shells stuck on his beak! lol cute though!


Here is Sully eating his green bean!dscf8018i.jpg

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