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Hello. Do any of you know how the eclectuses are like? Is there a difference between the vosmeri and the solomon island eclectuses apart from their looks? I must admit I find it almost to good to be true that these buetifull eclectuses are also long lived ad awesome talkers. As some others are, I am still deciding and reading up on Timneh AG and the eclectus as my fist bird as a pet. So I am doing all the studies I can on them. Thanks a head of time! This forum has been so great, especially the cookbook post!

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I have both a TAG and a eclectus, but I don't know what species of eclectus Solomon, aka Sully, is. I named him Solomon because when he grows all his feathers back he will have a robe fit for the royal bird he is. He is a large bird but I don't know how long he is because he is deathly afraid of any kind of sticks, including yardsticks. He is at least 10 years old. He was found at a carwash, badly plucked. He lived in a busy pet shop for 7 1/2 years. I have been his parront for about 1 1/2 years. In the last 6 months or so he has finally stopped plucking his feathers. I would say he is a Mcgillivary, but he is most likely a Vosmari, he is very large. Sully is very set in his ways, he likes to go to bed a 7 pm and will scream until the lights are out in the bird room. He likes it quiet and serene. He does like to be with me or the other fids. If I had to describe him in one word it would be "regal' just like a king. He only says one word "Hi" He can laugh and sound like a laser. But other than that he is a quiet guy.

Edited by luvparrots
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