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Jaffa Is Home! :)


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Well I went to collect my new baby yesterday evening. She is 12 and a half weeks and so lovely! Unlike when i brought George home she is shy and quite. She hasn't eaten much yet just picking at bits here and there.. She is well able to climb around the cage tho! She is really just so cute and adorable. She slept in her cage beside Georgie's cage last night and this morning when i went down he was talking to her Lol Hello baby!! Hello hello! Hi Georgie. I made sure to give him his morning scratch first and then her and fed him first then her as i don't want him to feel jealous... I haven't let them out at the same time yet so i let George out and he didn't go near her cage at all. stayed on his own messing about... I then bought her into the sitting room and let her out as i didn't want to let her out in the conservatory as she is not good at flying and the sitting room has more softer landing places.She only had one fly and landed on picture hanging on the wall but then slid down it :( she mostly just sits there very quite. I hope she settles in soon and feels safe :( I love her already!!! :)


Some picture for you! :)

nights out 002 (Small).jpg

nights out 007 (Small).jpg

nights out 008 (Small).jpg

nights out 011 (Small).jpg

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So it's Jaffa, I had wondered if you had chosen a name yet! LOL


I've been thinking about you this morning and getting excited about your new baby coming home! She is adorable, absolutely adorable! I love her big eyes and the way the blue merges into the yellow on her head is beautiful!


Great news that Georgie has been having a conversation with her, he was probably filling her in on how to work you and get what she wants! LOL

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Diego has just turned 6 months :)


With her little sounds and head moving, it may be worth looking at my first thread on Diego when I first got him. He was sold as being weaned, however, he used to make funny noises whilst bobbing his head. It turned out he was hungry and was not capable to feed himself properly. With the help of Jayd who explained that it is very common for Amazons to kind of digress with feeding, he had a full tummy in no time and these baby sounds have now pretty much stopped. :)


The thread is http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190531-Can-anyone-help-me-to-understand-what-Diego-is-trying-to-say-to-me

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Oh sorry! I was not mean't to panic you! It may be a completely different sound she is making to the one Diego made. There is a video on this thread of the noise Diego used to make which you can compare with Jaffa.


Plus on this thread there is tonnes of great info from Jayd on putting together a great diet for Amazons. I've stuck to what jayd has told me and Diego looks fantastic! He is so bright and colourful that sometimes it looks like the colours are going to jump off of his feathers!


Diego also used to make another noise which was almost a gentle cooing noise which he still does now when he is having a cuddle. This is the cutest sound ever and there is no mistaking it as a "I'm so happy and contented!" noise. I'm hoping this is not just a baby noise and that he will grow out of it as I love it!

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ok i read the post and its full of info :) i went to Jaffa and held the dish up to her and she munched away on some veggie mash and on her bowl of seeds. she ate loads but only when i hold the bowl up to her Lol Georgie was like that too and i used to have to put him on floor with his food for him to eat. he wouldn't eat in his cage. well now that she has had a good feed i'm more relaxed. I will keep you updated :)

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Great pics!! Glad you posted this so soon, because I've been excited to see Jaffa, too. Georgie has proven to be a very intelligent bird. I have no doubt that this morning's conversation was about pushing your buttons and his place in this flock.


Hope you post tons & often. Congratulations!


PS I was hoping you'd either name the baby Jaffa or Rio.

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thanks everyone She is still very quite when she is out of the cage but was climbing all around the cage earlier making loud noises and she seemed happy... I want her to fly to get the hang of it but at the same time i don't cos she might crash and hurt herself... If she's heading for a wall she will turn in time but then faces another wall and crashes as she is not able to land yet... I know practice makes perfect but don't want her to get hurt :( When she's out i put her on the floor or the couch but she just stays there in the same spot looking around so she must be a bit nervous still.


Here's some pic's of her enjoying a peanut!!


Birdhouse: Glad you like the name :)


Luvparrots: Congratulations on your new Amazon too!!! :)

nights out 029 (Small).jpg

nights out 032 (Small).jpg

nights out 035 (Small).jpg

nights out 039 (Small).jpg

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Yes, this is a little one, let her eat..........Try everything, Caroline and the others always have good advice.. They love swings and things they can hang on..Young Zon's sometimes get a wing fungus, if any black appears on her wings let me know...CONGRAT'S Jay d

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A possible cause is a fungus on the feathers caused from oil from your hands and transferred through over-petting. We wash our hands with "Ivory" hand soap when we handle our birds..If any ones Zon's have this, please let me know.....Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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If any ones Zon's have this, please let me know


I certainly will. Actually I tend to wash my hands before touching him without thinking. Mainly because i'm normally cleaning something in the house and so wash the chemicals of my hands, also I smoke so I wash my hands after a ciggy.

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