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Those with flighted parrots ~ What do YOU do to Maximize your parrot's flytime?


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I'll start.smile.gif



I have hanging gyms and floor stands in different rooms in my home. I also have perches hung on the outside of their cages to allow for nice places to land on.


My instigator/ trouble maker is Emma, she loves to fly around and chase Sachi. I allow her to do this within reason, otherwise Sachi would be the *typical* pionus perch potato and would only fly when there was an immediate incentive ... i.e a treat or to follow me around.smile.gif

I usually permit this type of chasing around for about 45 minutes before serving their morning and evening meal. I think it's a good way to build an appetite.


Instead of carrying my parrots around from room to room, I let them follow me. biggrin.gif Usually they know exactly where I am going and end up there before me. When they do not wish to cooperate or obey a request, I simply walk away rather than argue with them. They always end up flying after me..biggrin.gif


What do you guys do to encourage flight and MAXIMIZE their flying time? I'm open to new and creative ideas.biggrin.gif

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Like you we let Alfie follow us around the house. She can pretty much go where she likes when we are in the house - the only out of bounds place is the kitchen and the bathrooms. She can fly up to the top landing and sit up there for a bit, or go downstairs and sit on the bannister. We have quite a large open plan dining/living room and she sometime just does the crazy bird flight round there. We also take her out on her harness regularly while the weather is ok to let her fly outside.

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Haha, this is a difficult one for me to answer as Diego will only fly when necessary, if there is another way of getting where he wants to go then he will choose that option. A guaranteed way of getting Diego to fly though is by shouting "DINNER TIME!!!" But then he will only fly over to his perch where his bowls are and sit there waiting for his food to come. LOL


I'm also curious to other peoples ideas to encourage their fids to fly, as maybe I can use some of them on Diego.

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I do the same for Dayo and Jake as Emma and Lyn. There are hanging play gyms, tree stands and tee stands everywhere.


One other thing I do to get flying at a continuous level for 10 or 15 minutes 3 or 4 times a day is I play peekaboo with Dayo and he loves it. I will run from the family room through the kitchen and into the living room or down the hallway yelling peekaboo!!! Dayo will fly from wherever he is and follow in hot pursuit normally landing somewhere he can see me or sometimes to roost on my shoulder. I will then take off again for another place or perhaps just around a corner and he will come flying full blast to find me. He will often instigate a game of peekaboo by asking for it and if I am not busy on something at the moment, I will engage in it. I cannot fly him on the harness with a long lead, there are way too many hawks here for his safety. So it is used only for going outside in short jaunts or going to friends house or establishments. I really desire to let him fly as Shanlung does, but it is impossible here safely.

Edited by danmcq
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As Josey is incapable of flight right now she is dependent on me to take her everywhere but Sunny and Gypsy are flighted but Sunny will only fly if startled, she won't fly just for the sake of flying but Gypsy does, she loves to fly around the room sometimes making circles before deciding to land somewhere.

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We play the same game as Dan. Run around the house and yell peekaboo and have them fly after us. We are lucky in having a double level house which is totally open plan so they have to fly from the kitchen up to the second level of the house. They also fly out of their bedroom up the first level to the kitchen do a circuit in the kitchen and then to the second level. It's quite amazing seeing them having to quickly gain height to make it up to the living room on the second level. They do the circuit in the kitchen just to gain enough speed to make the climb up, it's quite incredible.

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Like others I have swings, boings and branches throughout my home with foraging toys and food containers everywhere. All my parrots are flighted, including old Sully, and they just go where they want. Ana Grey just everywhere, Louie from the birdroom to my office and Sully from birdroom, living room and office. I don't chase the little demons, but if I call Ana Grey she will come. She and Louie have an everyday battle going on and Sully flies off just to escape their silliness. Because I am home they are out of their cages all day and go back on que at 6/7 pm.

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I do not play "peek-a-boo" so to speak, but "Come here." I have two parrots: one an African Grey and the other, a Quaker. When I notice they are rambunctious I go from room to room and call out "fly in the kitchen" or "fly in the bedroom" or "fly in the living room!" They will compete to fly over to where I am the fastest. Way fun for all of us!

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