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Hello from both of us (Cobi and Neptune)

Cobi Hay

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Hello everybody!


My name is Cobi, im 31 years old and i own an African gray (Congo) named Neptune, who recently celebrated his first bDay.


Wonderful to join this community dedicated to African grays and i surely hope to learn a thing or 2 from the people around here.

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Hello, welcome you have come to the right place to learn & share about your beautiful grey Neptune! I also have a grey that is just over a year old, I've had him since he was 12 weeks. How long have you had Neptune? Do you have other birds/pets? He looks like a charming fellow, post more pic's when you can!

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Hello Cobi and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Neptune.

You will learn a lot here as we have many knowledgable members, you may find the answers to some of your questions in our many threads but if you do have any questions feel free to ask and we will do our best to get you an answer.

I assume that is Neptune in your avatar but if you have other pictures of him you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Thank you so much for the warm welcome :-)


Nep is one year old. i got him when he was just weaned. He's on a very good diet based on pellets, vegetables, some kinds of nuts, fruits and calcium enriched mix (based on eggs mostly). Pellets are given all the time. Rest of the foods are switched for variation and interest in life :-).


I try to give him the best. Got him a big cage, i change his toys randomly and i try to be with him between 2 - 3 hours every day.


He's my only pet (i also have an aquarium).


Here are a few pics - hope you like 'em:








I fear my biggest problem with Nep. is the fact im single, and live alone. He lacks the interaction that will help him learn to speak. I give him an ample TV time (3 - 4 hours a day) but he says only 2 words: Neptune and Cobi (my name and his. awsomely cute).

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Loved the photos of Neptune. The Saltwater tank in the photo totally explains his name and it is beautiful. :)


Most greys do not really start talking until around a year old and Nep is right on track. Once the first few words start rolling out, they increase rapidly. The key is consistancy in what you say and when you say it. Offering and apple, peanut etc. for example say "Wanna xxxx" each time you offer it. Do the same with tasks tasks like "Lets get some cereal, juice, lunch, dinner". I think you get the picture.


The back ground noise from a tv or radio is good for them to help make the place seem less than empty while your gone.


Thanks for sharing all his. :)

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I fear my biggest problem with Nep. is the fact im single, and live alone. He lacks the interaction that will help him learn to speak. I give him an ample TV time (3 - 4 hours a day) but he says only 2 words: Neptune and Cobi (my name and his. awsomely cute).


Not to worry as he still has plenty of time to talk and the fact that he has said two words means he is capable and does talk, Josey didn't talk until she was one year of age and some take longer than that, he will learn words and phrases by you talking to him every day, tell him about your day and what you are doing, have a conversation with him like he was another person in the room and soon you will hear lots more than Cobi and Neptune, be patient.

Thanks for sharing some more pictures, he is one handsome fella.

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Thank you all again for the kind reply!


The funny thing about Nep was, that he actually started talking when he was 6 months old! He Quickly learned his name and mine. Then - his progress stopped and the following 6 months ('till now) were dedicated to repeating these 2 words (and many other sounds. he makes me laugh when mimicking a cat's "maw") and I feared of regression - He "lost" my name for some time (Just stuck to Neptune, not saying Cobi) and in the past 2 weeks he started saying "Cobi" again. I know it might sound silly but i'm not so sure what to do with a parrot that "unlearns" something?


I do keep talking to him. All the time. I also call him when im in the other room. Sometimes I try to make a conversation and sometimes I describe things he's doing ("Wonderful! You eat a nut! Do you like nuts?"). He's surely curious about me talking but he replays with beeps and sounds.

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He may turn out to be one of those "closet talkers" meaning he won't say much in front of anyone including you, some are just like that but he has not unlearned anything, he just might like the way Neptune sounds, when talking to him put emphasis on some words for lots of times its not what is said so much as the way it is said.

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Not to worry Cobi. :)


Dayo said his first word "Hello" two or three times at around 6 months. From then until one year old he only gave us the enjoyment of hearing all the sounds he started picking up along with whistling Andy Griffith etc.. Every once in a while I would hear him mumbling faintly under his breath. It sounds like you are doing everything right with your consistency. Just keep it up. :)

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Great pictures of Cobi and your fish!!!! I also live alone and so it is only me that Ana Grey usually interacts with. When I talk to her, I talk to her like a person. "want some apple", "nite, nite", "stop that" as examples and she picks up on the meanings. And she does know what words mean. When I sing, she always says now, "STOP THAT" do you think she is trying to tell me something!!!!! 36_11_20.gif36_11_13.gif

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Thank you all for the warm compliments :-) It encourages me to take some new photos of the young fella.

I had some guests last night and Neptune was having loads of attention from all over - and i was surprised that he started saying "Neptune" Aloud and some other unclear mumbling. In front of guests!

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