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Can anyone help my African Grey,Cofi (a Welsh nickname for native of Caernarfon) has over last few months been pulling his feathers out from around his neck.They seem to grow back but no sooner have they done so and he pulls them out again.


I do not believe it to be stress related and he seems in fine form.It has not happened beforeand I have no idea of the cause.


Regards Slipper.

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Do they fully grow back out before he pulls them and what is the time period in between?


Welcome to the Forum Slipper!!


Why don't you introduce yourself in the Welcome room so others will know of your joining this Forum? :-)


We love to hear of members experiences with their Greys and see photos!!

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Hi Slipper,

Has Cofi got a bald patch where he pulls the feathers out ?

The first thing i would do is to have Cofi see your avian vet to eliminate any medical problems.If he gets a clean bill of health then there are many reasons to consider as to why Cofi is plucking,which i think he is doing as it does not sound like a natural molt.


The list is endless but a few possibilities are;

Frustration from long periods in his cage

Lack of mental & physical stimulation

Change of family circumstances/ environment

Incorrect periods of light/darkness

A poor diet, high in fatty foods

Attention seeking

A vet visit first then we can hopefully offer you further advice.Please keep us updated on the situation.<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2007/08/21 19:25

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Slipper wrote:



Can anyone help my African Grey,Cofi (a Welsh nickname for native of Caernarfon) has over last few months been pulling his feathers out from around his neck.They seem to grow back but no sooner have they done so and he pulls them out again.


I do not believe it to be stress related and he seems in fine form.It has not happened beforeand I have no idea of the cause.


Regards Slipper.


Slipper welcome here :)


This might not be true at all, but that's why there are expert grey-owners here to contradict what I'm going to say here :P


when we had a bird when I was child it used to pick out his feathers to get to a source of calcium (we found out when we visited a vet) - Could it be your bird is having the same problem?

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Guest briansmum

hi slipper. yes the best advice is to see a vet first to make sure it isn't anything medical.


lovemygreys makes a good list of other possibilities it could be. do you think any of those things could be affecting your grey?

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I would recommend going to a vert first just to rule out illness like mentioned above, that way it can put that to rest. Your bird could be bored, it could be from it being hotter out, I know mine have looked a little ratty due to the hot season. Another thing is it could be a brooding patch. I know that my older CAG has been pulling her neck feathers out, and trying to make a nest out of her food bowl that she dumps out:blink: I'm hoping that it will slow down towards the winter!

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Guest briansmum

oh dear lovie, it's kind of comical but also kind of sad bless her little heart.


have you managed to sort anything out yet slipper?

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