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Flight suit


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Hi everybody,


I wonder if anyone of you tried the avian fashions flight suit and bird diaper with your grey?, i want your feedback regarding this issue, I've tried it before with all my birds including cockatiels , sun conure and senegal parrot ,and I've noticed that they get used to it only if it's introduced to them at a very young age,but i wonder how's it like with the grey?

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This is only my personal opinion but I always have an uneasy feeling about any animal wearing a diaper, It just doesn't seem natural to me.


I do know that many people like the flight suits, for me personally I think they look a little silly.


I'm constantly walking around my house with wet wipes and wiping up poop, I've just accepted this as being adopted by a bird. :)

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I've always been Leary about diaper rash, plus his poop being in close proximity to there body for any length of time, then you have the stress of changing it repeatedly and cleaning that area. As a final point, I do not believe a bird should be covered by cloth for any length of time....Jayd

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I've always been Leary about diaper rash, plus his poop being in close proximity to there body for any length of time,


This is a really valid point, I clean out the poop try at the bottom of Diego's cage every day. A few weeks ago I ran out of paper to line it with and even with the poop sitting on the metal of the tray for just a couple of hours it actually marked the metal. Parrot poop is quite acidic and so against the parrots feathers and skin for any length of time could make pretty sore areas.

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Such an unnatural item. Birds weren't meant to be wearing diapers. Female dogs weren't meant to wear panties and male dogs weren't meant to wear jockey shorts. I would truly be embarrassed if friends came over and I had to explain why I put diapers on my birds.

When I see a bird with a diaper on, it reminds me of an extremely unfortunate man who's had his prostate removed and must now wear Depends.


Just because it's sold as a bird product doesn't make it a good product and there's loads of other animal products on the market that fit in the same catagory.

Edited by Dave007
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Well, i tried it with SunConures ,Cockatiels , Senegals and even Budgies and it's amazing ,it's designed in a way that the poop is collected in the pouch designed for it and never touches the skin or even the feathers of the bird , i kept it for as long as 6 hours and never found any trace of poop on th bird's feathers, the main problem's that sometimes the bird's are annoyed with it and starts to chew on it but they soon forget about it and continue what they were doing,but the main drawback is the fact that the bird has to get accustomed to it at a very young age i start introducing it to them even before they are completely feathered ,but getting an older bird accustomed to it is a real challenge cause when they are introduced to it in older age they hate it :), that's my own experience and i though i'd share it with you all,i never tried it on a grey ,but i will with my baby and let you know what's the results.

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I can kind off understand the reason behind using it on very small birds as they could be too small for an aviator harness and so is a way of allowing them out and about for short times. However, still not sure I get it as a way to stop a bird from messing on the furniture and clothes. This is my personal feelings but I still feel that a bird is not like a dog or a cat where it's natural for them to poop in a particular area, birds were designed to poop as freely as they fly. So when deciding to get a any kind of bird as a pet this should be accepted as part of having them in your family. :)

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Thank you, I can,t see anything that keeps the poop away from the birds bottom,, there is a protrusion for the poop to roll into, but as we all know this don't always happen. Another point is if you touch the bottom area when picking up your bird, the mess and moisture is pressed against him. These are experiments I've performed personally...Six hours is far to long to have any bird covered with cloth...This is wrong, you said: "i start introducing it to them even before they are completely feathered", These baby's body's must breathes... I hope you don't do this with your Grey!!! What about light absorption... Sorry, no, not a good idea....Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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I've used both. Tobie used the flight suit the first year. I never could get him to stop chewing the straps. I assume from this that the suit was uncomfortable. The aviator harness he tolerates well once it is on. He doesn't chew at it. I'll admit that I kind of liked not worrying about being pooped on with the flight suit and didn't think it was unhygenic. The poop falls below the feathers and I used a pany liner in it and removed it after use . The flight suit didn't work for Tobie even though he was young when it was introduced because it wasn't comfortable for him to wear.

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