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attacks my children very much

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Im wanting some advice regarding elvis and my kiddies! elvis is around 17 weeks old now and is soo loving and affectinate with me and my adult family members but for past 2 weeks has been very off with my kids! he used to sit with them and let them cuddle him and as far as i know none have hurt him r scared him to make him this way! if they even come close when hes out he will fly at them screaming and go mad at their faces as tho hes trying to attack! i dont let them try with him now as there only young and he hurts them greatly! its not just my young children my boy at 10 cant hold him nemore he will sit on his head on rare occasion if im out of room but if he attempts to get him to step up he bites hard and screams! my son is 2 scared to even try now !this is upsettin a little because we all love him lots and dont understand y hes gone this way and the girls are so keen to hold him like they used to! any advice greatly appreciated thanx

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As far as the flying on the head--that's not a good idea if you already know the end results which I assume has happened more than once. That's also a common rule for people who keep birds on their shoulder and the bird starts to bite ear lobes, clothing, jewelry and of course, the cheecks of the face. People are usually told that their bird is a *no shoulder* bird.

When the bird is very tiny, it'll accept affectionate caresses and petting from adults and children but as soon as the bird becomes more independant, it's truer personality starts to show. Greys aren't fond of children and at 10 yrs old, your son still a child to the bird. Most of the time, children have to be kept away from birds if the bird is aggressive. Most of the time, that whole scenerio will somewhat change as the children are around the bird more often and have a non touching relationship. No absolut facts and future events can be stated right now because at 17 weeks, you've had the bird a very short time and it takes a much longer time before a bird gets used to and accepts the huge amounts of things that he now lives with which includes people. You may hear that the same thing that's happening to you isn't happening with others but I can tell you that what you're talking about is extrtemely common. There's absolutely nothing unusual going on.

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Elvis is removed from heads no matter who Dave even me

I don't allow that! Am

Glad it's a normality I was a little worried as my partners grey jus loves to cuddle his 10year old! They all try and interact with elvis even tho they can't go near him by talking to him which he does listen and chirps away back at them

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The children will just have to have a relationship with Elvis that is from a little distance until they get older then he might be more accepting but he is just becoming more independent so you will just have to accept that.

My sun conure will go to just about anybody but she doesn't care for small children, she used to attack and bite my oldest granddaughter but now that she is a little older she is more accepting of her and will let her pet her now as she is old enough to understand her quick movements and loud voice is what turns her off.

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Issac doesn't actively go after my daughter, but I surly recommend that she not touch him unless I am close and monitoring. She is just too shifty and afraid for Issac to let that happen at this time. So she just talks to him and watches him sometimes. This seems to work out okay for now.

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