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a nice cuppa tea


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OK kya has a thing about cups mugs or what ever you like to call them. She won`t let go :) my question is can a small amount of tea with rice milk in? will it do any harm to birds? (tea made with tea bags) i know all about milk ect and coffee and these are a NO NO but thought i`d ask about a nice cup of tea us brits are mad on it :rolleyes:


Edited by Lex
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Tea has caffeine in it, [unless decaffeinated] this is a no-no. Some other ingredients depending on the kind of tea can be harmful to our fid's also...Unflavored rice milk[rice only] is ok in small amounts, read the ingredients......Thanks Jayd

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Awww, Judygram there is nothing quite like a nice cuppa mid morning when the kids are both at school and the house is quiet! However, to be able to survive and be human until this point I do need my several cups of strong coffee in the morning. I may now be thought of as Spanish by living here for so long, but there is still some Brit in me and I still need my tea, baked beans, Branston Pickle and Chedder Cheese! LOL


Lex - It is a myth that tea contains less caffeineg then coffee, as it's the caffeine that is toxic to parrots tea is also a no no.

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