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An Update


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Hi all, with apologies, life has been really busy lately, and I have not really been posting, or even reading very much as to what is going on, so I"m really out of the loop.


Anyway, I just wanted to post to let you all know that things are going well. I came down with some bizarre respitory issue about three weeks ago that resulted in my having to go on puffers. I don't believe that I have "Bird Fancier's Lung", but I know the dust doesn't help. I run a purifier and humidifier and Paco continues to be bathed regularly, but I still see clouds of dust come off of him when he shakes in the sunlight.


Happy news, Paco started to fly a bit at the end of June, he is not turning into a very skilled flyer, and lander. Althought it is a bit frustrating dealing with a flying bird, the independence that he has found has been amazing!


Any thoughts on the molting? Will it ever stop! He really starteed the molt in early January, and it continues to this day. Is that normal for a year old parrot?


Finally, I'm thinking of adding a small dog to the house, I'd love to hear parrot/dog stories How do they get along, introductions, etc., any thoughts? I'm considering a Boston Terrier...


Thanks all...



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Here's some info on the temperament of a Boston terrier. Sounds like it might well be a match!

Always supervise any interaction between your bird and other animals, as I am sure you are aware. A bird flapping or flying off provides a stimulus for dogs, that even a well behaved dog might not be able to resist snapping at.






I have a 2 year old German shepherd, Jinx, who gets along famously with my grey Cleo. Jinx is forever trying to give Cleo her toys, or trying to stuff them through the bars of the cage. It is rather a comical sight, the dog trying to push a sock through, and the bird hanging off the other end trying to pull it in. When Jinx is eating, Cleo climbs down to the bottom of the cage to see what is going on, and to check if there maybe is anything for her there. As kind and sweet at Jinx is, she is still a dog, and I do make sure she does not get too close to the bird when Cleo is out, instinct being instinct.


One thing I will say though! I want pics pics pics if/when you get your dog!

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Hi Ryan and thanks for the update.


I am sorry to hear of your respiratory issues, but it sounds like you have it under control and are taking measures to minimize the dander you see flying off Paco when he shakes.


A humidifier will also help to make the dander fall quicker to the floor if you keep the humidity up around 50 or 60 percent. The first years molt is the largest for all birds. They literally just about molt out every feather over the first year to year and a half.


Azzie gave great advice on being aware of the dog due to possible instinct kicking in when something is flapping and moving.... BIG FUN to a dog to snap at. :)


Thanks for this update!!!

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Thanks Ryan for giving us an update on Paco, I understand how life can be busy and sometimes you don't know whether you are coming or going but it is good to hear he is flying now, he will get better at it the more practice he gets.

Lots of members here have dogs, cats and other pet animals but supervision is needed if you add a dog but they can co-exist just fine if handled properly, do let us know what you get and share a picture too.

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Thanks you guys... I appreciate the suggestions. Dan, believe me, if it got any more humid in here, I'd swim to the other rooms! Haha! I keep a humidifier running nearly 24 hours a day, as well as an air purifier right near the cage that is on whenever the cage is uncovered and the parrot is on the prowl. I just had a lung function test done and also got an X-ray, so we'll see if that allows the doctor to figure out what's going on.


I'll sure be glad when this molt is over, although I remember praying for it last November, wanting the primaries to molt out. Well, little did I know... it seems like I've been cleaning up feathers for the whole year! Be careful what you wish for!


I think I'm going to hold off until next spring before bringing a dog into the house, if I can wait that long. There is a sweet female pup ready to go tomorrow. It's all I can do not to go get her before 7 am! When it happens, I'll definately keep them supervised. It might mean Paco has to spend a bit more time inside his cage, but it's not like its lacking in anything! I wish my bedroom had that many toys!


Thanks again all!



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I have, but I'm really trying to hold off until the spring. Although patience is not a strong point in my character. I'm being mindful of the rainy Vancouver winters, Christmas, and I want to feel assured and confident in Paco's ability to take flight from the floor quickly if need be. Yes, I will supervise the animals when Paco is out of the cage, but should things ever get out of control, I want to know that the parrot can use it's natural abilities and be able to take flight from any situation. I think we need a few more feathers for that!


Here is the pup that is haunting me though... http://vancouver.kijiji.ca/c-pets-dogs-puppies-for-sale-Boston-Terrier-Pups-W0QQAdIdZ232764897

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Ok, so I let that pup pass me by... But not before getting the info on the breeder. So, this little adventure has sent me on a new mission. I will be listing my condo and looking for a house come spring. Man, I never thought I'd want to own a free standing house, I've always been such a turn-key person! But, with already having a parrot, I figure a dog can add a lot more responsibility beyond what I already have.


I'd like to get a house a little closer to my office, something where I can go home on my lunch hours, let the dog out to the yard and the parrot out for a fly around. Perhaps I may even be able to have the outdoor aviary that I dream of having for Paco!


Who am I? LOL!

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