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My birds eat meat


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I had a real issue with giving Diego chicken because of the whole cannibal thing. However, after looking into it, it would only be thought of as cannibalism if they were eating the meat of the same species i.e. other Parrots. Us humans eat the meat from cows, pigs, sheep etc. which are all mammals the same as us. With a parrot eating chicken this is the same concept as a chicken is not of the same species only of the same genre so it only makes chicken eating parrots carnivores. My mum however does not get this and was mortified when I gave Diego some of our Sunday Roast chicken. LOL :)

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My mother has an Indian ringneck and refuses to give it meat. She is also horrified at the thought of her (not so) sweet little bird eating another bird. I've tried to explain that many birds in the wild eat insects, worms, and roadkill, but she's not having a bar of it.

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I used to have a parrotlet and I'd split, lengthwise, a cooked chicken thigh bone. He'd make fast work of the marrow then chew the knobby ends off the bone!


Both my birds now (CAG and Cockatoo) love the occasional nibble of animal protein. I've given them roast beef, roast chicken, steamed fish, roast pork loin (hey, pork is "the other white meat" - all its fat is as a layer on the outside of the muscle, unlike beef, which has the fat mostly marbled in the muscle), scrambled/fried/boiled/poached eggs, and most revolting of all, boiled organic cow heart. (Hey, it is part of my dogs' homemade dog food. Both birds acted like they were going to have a fit if they didn't get a taste so I gave them the tiniest tiniest bit and they both loved it! Nice low-fat organic protein! Yuck! LOL!)


I, too, used to get grossed out when my birds would munch happily on chicken, but as others have said, it really isn't a carnivore thang! ;-)

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