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My much loved grey just died

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. I just read what happened to your Jimmy and I can't stop crying :-( I had a parrot before Zak. My mother found him outside in the rain, lying on the street soaked to the bones and brought him home. He was my very best friend ever since. When he got sick I was devastated and imediately started to search help but we had a bad luck and the vet we found wrongly diagnosed Kikic and he died after long and painful struggle. It was too late for my friend and I couldn't bare to be in my house with that awfull silence. I wanted to work with birds, instead buying one, because I couldn't bare to be hurt so much again. Coincidentally, Zak came in to my life just few months Kikic past away and at first I felt guilty about loving him as though my love for him would erase memory of Kikic. I still can't think about Kikic without sadness in my heart but Zakica brought new life, laughter, love and comfort in my heart and life. However, you mentioned you are 70 now. Maybe it is a hars thing to say, especially in this moment, but I think it is very important thing to say it anywayt because I am thinking how would your potental new grey feel whne you would to be gone one day? I know many people can relate to that but I urge you to concider whome will you live your grey. A loved one deserve the best care,love and home posiible. From the things you have mentioned I can't think that would be you daughter. If you know sombody who would take him/her one day with all the love and care you and your housband provided maybe it is fair and just. Sorry if I offended you and your grief but if we feel this way when our fethered friends die, I can't help but wonder how do they feel when we are gone? The parrot I rescued called his previous owner every day for six months and didn't wan't any of us to touch him in that period. Eventually he recognized our love and made peace with his loss but I can tell you it was damn hard watching him so sad and torn. He was calling his owner, by the name, as if he hopped he would come for him one day.. :-(((

Again, I am so very sorry for your loss.

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