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This is going to be difficult!!!!


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Good Morning!


Well, I haven't been on here in a few weeks :( things have been super hectic. We found out a few weeks ago that my father has prostate cancer. Many nights were spent with Sully cuddled up under my chin, catching my tears. He wouldn't leave my side... Even when I would get him out of his cage at 1 or 2 in the morning because I didn't want to be alone, he perched up on my chest and laid with me and when I would fall asleep for a minute, I would wake up with him watching me. He's simply amazing <3


Sully has grown into quite the "talker" he turned 5 months on the 14th, and I cannot believe how fast he has grown! He sits on his rope perch and mumbles and coos to himself. Then he moves into different spots in the house and talk talk talks. I swear he said "gizmo" the other day (that's the name of his favorite cat in the house)... and he has meowed quite a few times :)


We're going to begin training tricks when I finish class in two weeks. I'm eager to see how quickly he picks up on simple things! I think I'm going to start with him touching a stick on command, then move onto more complex things. I found a really cute trick in a book that has him put his head down on the table in between his legs so it looks like hes doing a headstand.. I hope he can do it! It's adorable!!!


ANYWAY- the points of my post!

First- We have been giving Sully parrot "seed" along with fruits and veggies, nuts and oats, but he doesn't seem to like the seed mixture we give him. What do you all suggest? He's not picky at all about the people food he eats, but he will only eat the sunflower seeds, and the little corn pieces out of the mixture. What do I do??

Second- My hubby and I are leaving Sully (and the other animals) home overnight while we go up to Lancaster (about an hour and a half from here) for the night and a long day. We're leaving Tuesday night around 7p, and not returning til 10 or 11p the next night. This is the first time we've left Sully overnight. We have my best friend Bekah (who insists on having Sully call her "Aunt Bekah") staying here that night, but I can't help but feel guilty for leaving my babies. I know he'll be fine, but part of me feels like there is something I should do so he doesn't freak out that I'm not here. I'm home all day and his cage is in the living room...and he still sleeps with a nightlight on :confused: ... I know I baby him. Anyway, I guess my question is.. is there something I should do for him???


Any help on any parts of my forever long post would be helpful :)

Thanks everyone!

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This will be harder on you than it will Sully, he will be fine and happy to see you when you get back, right now only an overnight trip would be advisable until he gets a little older and if someone is coming in to check on him then you can rest easy.

So sorry to hear of your father's cancer but Sully knows something is wrong and he has stepped up to help ease your pain, greys can be very emphatic, what a sweet little chap to help you thru a difficult time.

I wouldn't worry about not eating much seed, do limit the sunflower seed he gets but if he eats fresh veggies, legumes, grains, rices and pastas then that is fine.

The only thing I can offer as to you going away is to tell Sully what you are doing for he will understand more than what you think he does and that will help when you return as he will see you did come back, now go and don't worry.

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As far as the seed, many people wish their bird wouldn't eat seed but concentrate on veggies, fruits and some people food. Seed isn't important. You can give him the seeds that he likes but aim his food intake to the other items.


As far as going away, there's nothing unusual about what you're doing. Many people do the same thing but do have trouble getting a bird sitter. You've already got one. Him being in a cage for that amount of time is nothing to worry about. Many people keep their birds in cages when going on long trips that last a week or more. Your friend shouldn't be taking the bird out of cage. Make sure he/she gives water and food. If you have more than one bird, make sure they're kept separate in their own cages. Really shouldn't be a big deal

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I'm so sorry to hear about your father, I'm glad that you have been able to draw some strength from Sully and the love he has given you to ease your pain. It's best I leave your questions to be answered by others but just wanted to say that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

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Do what you think is best. If you wanna let him out with your aunt, fine. As I said, nothing unusual is gonna happen including him freaking out. Nothing you're feeding him has anything to do with you going away. Parrots can last for days without any food. Water is the important thing. It doesn't matter if your bird likes the person. A 2 day trip without being held isn't gonna do anything to your bird. If he sleeps with a night light on, keep the night light on. Yes, you do baby him and it's not necessary but if you like doing it, fine, but babying him has nothing to do with a 2 day trip.

I leave my birds alone plenty of times and they simply get used to it. I just don't believe a person should have the type of relationship with a wild animal who's gonna keep a person chained to a house. Loads of people leave their birds alone all day long everyday and nothing happens. They gotta go to work and I'm sure they won't quit their jobs just to stay with the bird all day. You can do what you want but I'll repeat myself--it's no big deal except in your mind. If you leave the bird, then when you come back, you'll see that the same bird will be there with the same personality with no grudges and no misbehavor.

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I went away for three weeks to Europe and left my babies in the care of my housemate (whom my grey hates with a passion). The only difference I noted in my grey upon my return was that she had turned incredibly sweet and loving towards me.


Seeds are junkfood to a grey. They are very tasty but have no nutritional value, so if your bird doesn't want to eat them, that's not a bad thing. Imagine a child that prefers to eat his brussel sprouts over McDonalds! Since he seems to like the corn pieces, why not try him with a fresh corn cob? I give my grey a raw one once in a while, and she loves it. You can use the sunflower seeds as special treats, or when you want to train and reward him.

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Thanks Azzie!

I'm not worried about him not eating enough seed, I'm worried he's not eating enough in general. I mean, I give him loads of fruits and veggies, but his crop always looks empty.. I guess I'm just used to seeing it big with formula (as I just took him off handfeeding a month ago).


Dave- my two concerns (the food and the overnight) have nothing to do with each other, and I wasn't saying they did. I just happened to bring them both up at the same time. Thank you for your advice. My birds are like my kids, Sully especially, and like with a kid, it's hard to leave them overnight for the first time! I'm not stuck in the house bc of my birds, and I do come and go as usual without any thought as to leaving them... but it's just hard to leave him so long :)

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If he's that old, you won't see anything in a crop. That only applies to baby birds. Babie's crops get full of formula and stays in that area until it's undeveloped digestive system slowly and eventually takes it in. Parrots don't store enough in that area where the crop is so nothing sticks out nor is it noticable. The only time you'll see any type of bulge in that area is when a parrot decides to go to sleep after eating. What you're seeing is the parrot fluffing it's feathers out around the neck and breast area as well as other areas but none of those areas that are puffed out with feathers has nothing to do with the crop being visible. So, you're feeding him correctly and he's getting enough food.

Edited by Dave007
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I went away for three weeks to Europe and left my babies in the care of my housemate (whom my grey hates with a passion). The only difference I noted in my grey upon my return was that she had turned incredibly sweet and loving towards me.

Seeds are junkfood to a grey. They are very tasty but have no nutritional value, so if your bird doesn't want to eat them, that's not a bad thing. Imagine a child that prefers to eat his brussel sprouts over McDonalds! Since he seems to like the corn pieces, why not try him with a fresh corn cob? I give my grey a raw one once in a while, and she loves it. You can use the sunflower seeds as special treats, or when you want to train and reward him.

This is a very good info, Azzie McDonalds comparison is very good, 1/2 tsp a day is Grey't for our fid's. Their lacking some in nutritional value but there main problem is a high fat content. It is advisable to lightly steam or boil corn on the cob in case any mold is present. Azzie and Dave have given you Grey't Vacation advice..Thanks Jayd

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