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reprimanding them/punishment


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Hi ive read that if there naughty you should tell them NO! and then but them in a separate cage, we havnt got one,chicken is out a fair bit and me and paul are periodically in and out all day till about 6 then pauls

in all after that but when hes naughty ie biting for no reason he goes in his cage an we take his food out an leave him alone with the tv off for 5-10 mins,now this is pretty much guess work and suggestions of what would work,he is normally naughty say 3-4 times a day,and me and chicken dont always get on for example some times he wont want to be touched by me (not all the time and in the same breath if he wont let me touch him he will nip me so instead of putting him away i leave him alone cus i figure he telling me to piss off but then i leave the room and he will nearly always fly on my sholder,he has sometimes gone for my face but its very rare and he goes in his cage for it,when chicken been naughty paul goes to grab him (chicken loves paul to bits cuddles up by him,not me)and mabey he flys around 4-5 times but then lets paul get him with me chicken will do his best to escape and not let me grab him and im worried about putting him under loads of stress sometimes hes out of breath by the time ive got him but thats the extreme times Sorry its really long ive just typed of the top of my head, i would be on the site lots but internet acsess is tricky hopefully ill get a laptop soon and ill be more active on the site Cheers guys


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You should never punish a bird. It really does not work anyway.

There are better ways to deal with biting or screaming.

With biting a wobble correction is good way to stop this. If they bird is biting when asked to step up there are a few ways to deal with that.

Screaming is the easist IMO to stop/deal with.

Just walk away or turn your back on the bird and then reward for the behavior you want.

I would never remove food from any bird even for 5 min. What if you forget to put it back cause you got buzy or had to leave in a hurry?

There are a few good post in the training section dealing with biting.

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Never punish, but use positive reinforcement. Like Tari said, you can use the earthquake method, but also tell him no in a different tone of voice and turn your back on him. Then reward him for the behavior you desire.


Removing food accomplishes nothing but having a hungry bird, you could forget to put it back like Tari said and he would go hungry.


Sometimes the independence in them shows up as not wanting you to touch them occasionally, so respect that, we sometimes feel that way ourselves.

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Guest briansmum

great advice from tari and judy, theres nothing i can add except to reinforce that punishment is a no no. they don't understand it and you will just end up with a bad tempered, misbehaving grey.


they constantly crave our attention and approval, so positive reinforcement is the only way. he doesn't get the affection and talked to nicely and praised when he's naughty. he's smart and in time he will learn what behaviour gets him the responce he wants from his humans

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We do praise him for being good all the time,ive just come in and ive been away at my moms for a since yesterday late from what paul told me hes been a good boy all day apart from once,ive gome in said hello and started talkin to chicken and paul,then 1 minute later chicken flys up into the air starts screaming and circling then lands on the chair,we ask him whats up stroked him,he was good for another min,the fly aggressively on to paul on the door screaming ect onto paul and scratched his face with his claws,whether he was trying to climb on his head or what i dont know? about half an hour ago so we put him in his cage,also pauls girlfriend is here and chick can get a little jealous but normally hes ok,its nearly his bed time anyway.ive read your suggestions and have heard of the technicals we will try and we do ignores him when hes naughty but i will try thanks.

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Hi Devanz,


Please let us know how it progresses as you try these various suggestions and let us know what did or did not work.


This is all valuable information for everyone here on this forum, that may run into a similar behavioural problem.


Thanks for keeping us updated. :-)

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loviechick- That what we aim to do,chickens been good as gold to day! He isnt overlly bad but if hes screaming and attacking people he cant be happy?!? and that the one thing i want for him,i/we didnt take a grey on without knowing how hard it would be I KNEW it would be difficult and to a point it is,as ive just stated,if i could have it chicken hated me but was of sound body and mind and happy then so be it,of course it cant be like that,basiclly im saying i have chickens interests at heart and i really will (and do) strive for what is best

for him, he was outside today because it was sunny he f***ing love it,whistling and singing his little crazy heart out Thanks for the feedback chick!!!

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Guest Monique

For the Love of Greys is a great book by Bobbi Brinker - it talks a lot about why our birds acts the way we do, and opens our eyes (or at least it opened mine) to really recognizing the wildness of our birds and the blessing it is we have to share our lives with them. Thinking about our relationship with our birds this way makes things much easier to understand sometimes!! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,just to get back to yo (and sorry its took ages) mr has improved hes alot better now,altough it hard to enforce a exact rule with 2 people (or at least i find)but hes doing well

Can i just ask anyone,mr chicken is genrally a good boy but 3 times a day,once a day??? he will act up ie bite a cable he know he isnt meant to or fly on the light ect

This is just part an parcel of a grey yes? the rough with the smooth and correct traing (or the best of my ability Cheers

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Hi guys,just to get back to yo (and sorry its took ages) mr has improved hes alot better now,altough it hard to enforce a exact rule with 2 people (or at least i find)but hes doing well

Can i just ask anyone,mr chicken is genrally a good boy but 3 times a day,once a day??? he will act up ie bite a cable he know he isnt meant to or fly on the light ect

This is just part an parcel of a grey yes? the rough with the smooth and correct traing (or the best of my ability Cheers

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Hi Devanz,


Your absolutely right. If something looks like a good chew toy, he's going to chew. :-) I must watch Dayo every second he's on my Computer desk. Even though I have hidden the cables as best I can, he knows they are there and once he finds them, the chewing begins.


You have to take the good with the bad. ;-)


It's really good to hear that he has made progress in your efforts to deter him from actions you do have influence over!! :-)

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Guest briansmum

yes great to hear you have made progress, i'm with dan though, if theres something there to chew you can be darn sure that beak is going to find it. never leave your birdy unattended with things that could hurt him. not that you would of course :)

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