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Thinking of bringing home a grey - help!


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Hi guys,

My name is Crystal and currently we have 3 dogs, a cat and a Hahns Macaw.

A woman that I know very well is looking to rehome her Grey who is about 3-4 (forgot which). This was her daughter's bird and is away at college and they feel he needs a new home (yada, yada, yada....no time for).


He comes with everything and will allow the daughter to handle him. No one else does, although he will step up on a perch if he is on the floor.


My husband loves this bird and is all for it!!! I know, it's a miracle.

I am the one a little hesitant since I know this will be "my" bird in the end.


I am trying to imagine this huge cage in our home. Keegan my Macaw is in a great spot but the only other place for the new cage may be in the "Man cave" in the basement. This means, video games, big screen tv (off to the side) and tv noise.

Not sure how he would like that.

I know I can hook up lighting for him but there really isn't a window to speak of.


I could also add him to our dining room if I get rid of some furniture. :).


Nice to meet everyone and if this happens I'll be on here A LOT!!!!

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I've just been informed by my husband Jim, that "His" bird is not going in the basement! He wants him upstairs, so that means in the window area and the smaller cage where Keegan lives will have to go in another corner w/ a light. There are windows in all of the rooms though.

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Hello and welcome to our family Crystal, so glad to hear you want to add a grey to your flock and like Ray said it will take time for him to adjust to a new home but it will be worth it, just give him lots of time and patience.

Please do put his cage where he will be around the rest of the family as they like to be part of the action and look forward to seeing some pictures when you get the chance.

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Oh you will be BOMBARDED with dozens and dozens of photos....that's for sure.

Just found out he is a CAG and is 7yrs old (maybe sexually mature?) and I'm going over today to measure his cage. I'll take a video for you!

Of course he HATES the camera so we'll have to work on that part if he's going to live with me....*wink*

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Welcome Crystal and family!


At 7 years old he is sexually mature. It will take weeks for him to get used to his new home and flock, but it sounds like you are way ahead of the game in already having a Macaw and know what all parrots do in terms of living arrangements and personal time they require heaped with lots of patience and love. I am looking forward to your update on this. :)

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That is going to be a huge change for him. As you probably know from having experience with your Hanh's Macaw. You will need to have plenty of toys he likes, find out what those are so you don't scare him. Greys are very timid about new things and are nothing like a macaw. Also, having foraging items like treats and food wrapped in paper or foraging toys will help in keeping him busy during the day and having TV or radio on for background noise. It's great that you know the owners and can ask all these important questions to make the transition as comfortable for him as possible.

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I leave a radio on for my fids when I am not at home, others leave a tv on so they have some noise, that way they don't notice sudden noises so much and do provide some foraging toys or opportunities to keep him busy during the day. We have some threads in the toys and playstands room that will give you some ideas.

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