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Where do you turn for bird neglect?

Chris and Matt

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There's a little place here in Huntsville called the Harmony Park Safari. It's a cool little place, you can drive through and feed a bunch of animals that are living together on this little animal preserve place. Well, in the front area where you can walk around they have a beautiful umbrella cockatoo in a cage. As soon as I saw "him" my heart broke. He was hunched over in the heat, his wings held away from his body and his mouth open slightly while he was panting. He's in a rusted cage that's too small. He's got one perch and a chewed up piece of wood, no toys or anything to play with. His water dish, which was sitting on the floor of his cage, was scummy and empty. He sits outside in the ungodly heat all day. It was 97 degrees today and that was without the heat index! I stood in front of his cage and talked to him and he slowly came down off of his perch to greet me. He pushed against his cage so I could give him a neck scratch and I happily (and cautiously) obliged. He put his foot through the cage bars and held my finger like he didn't want me to leave. When I did finally have to go he started screeching and hollering and running circles around his cage.

Obviously this really bothered me, but what do I do? Is there even anything I can do? I just wanted to open his cage and take him away from there but obviously that was out of the question.

I wish I'd thought to take pictures of his water bowl.




My little buddy, I didn't want to leave the poor guy.

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The first thing I would have done is to go to the person working there to speak with the manager or person in charge and tell them the bird is overheated and has no water, give them a chance to correct that and if that doesn't change things then you can contact the local humane society to check up on the place. Some people are just ignorant of how to properly provide for avian friends and maybe they don't know a bird should have some toys to play with and water along with food at all times but yes this happens all too frequently and though you wanted to come to this bird's resuce you can't save them all.

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The worst thing is they have a blue and yellow macaw as well and he sits with the lady at the gate on a perch with some toys, some water, and gets human interaction. I don't understand how they could keep such a beautiful bird sequestered in the heat while taking care of the macaw. I almost want to go out again just to check on him and as you said, talk to the manager. It's not like I have much else filling my days and it's a pretty drive.

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If you are willing to go back and check on that too then by all means do so, make it known to them that the conditions are not acceptable, he needs a bigger cage, fresh water at all times and some toys to play with, sometimes just nudging them a little will force them to make a few changes for the better, go that route first then if nothing happens take it to the humane society. I know it makes your heart heavy to see this bird in deplorable conditions but then you might just be what makes the difference in getting this bird what it needs, thanks for caring.

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It made me a little bananas to read this post. According to their website they are a "Federally licensed nature preserve of free-ranging exotic and endangered animals."


For anyone to deprive a creature of the most basic necessities of existence is very wrong. For such an establishment to do it is to me, inexcusable. If they can't adequately provide for such an "easy keeper", how well cared for are the more exotic charges?


Seems like they would be licensed by the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources. Calling them would likely get you the number of an enforcement division who would be responsible to inspect the facility. It might be a good idea to have a knowledgeable official see that everyone in their charge is being well cared for. Especially if they have endangered species, as the website says.


That said, all government officials are stretched passed their limits. They may or may not be able to respond in a reasonable amount of time (like now). It might be a good idea to do what you can about this bird, in the meantime, as you & Judy have been discussing.


If that doesn't generate an immediate response, you might also consider asking the forum to start emailing them. Let's just say I think it should be able to generate enough response to uhh, get their attention...?

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  • 2 weeks later...

He looks to be a Molluccan cockatoo perhaps if they do not respond to you approaching them about the lack of shade a clean water (having Toos myself they can trash that clean water very fast) then your next step would be to speak to some one in an animal welfare organization. I am in your general area and will email you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, ChrisAndMatt,


Any news on this situation with the 'too? I am heart-broken, seeing the picture and hearing of what the poor guy has gone through. It amazes me that the website can say they have free-range animals, and here is this 'too just stuck in a cage with no water or toys. Anyway, I'm just seeing this thread and wanted to find out if anything has changed, that you know of.


Thanks for caring.

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  • 9 months later...

Just a short update, I went back to this establishment hoping for the best for this poor 'too. I was pretty excited to see a new cage with perches and dishes for food and water, better shade but still no toys. Wondering why the 'too's cage was empty I asked one of the men who work there. Turns out a small raccoon got in to the bird cages overnight and killed the 'too and the macaw. Sad, sad day for those poor birds. Why the birds were left overnight outside in Alabama to begin with is beyond me, but I certainly felt bad for them and couldn't help but think how awful their last moments must have been.

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Tnx for the update. Is it possible, when they get a new bird and they will,to give away a toy or two? Maybe some visitor passing bay, like a tradition, if they don't want to provide the next bird with proper amusement. And if you go back, and if the next animal will be in not so good condition, please tell them something about it. Also, can something be done about this incident with raccoon? To make some calls which would start some commotion why the hell were those birds outside so they could be killed!? Couldn't the animal rights people do something about it so it wouldn't repeat in the future? And aren't the other animals and their safety in question too?

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If this is a zoo go here and file a complaint: http://www.aza.org/


This is completely against the standards of the Association of zoo's and aquariums in the USA and Canada.


The SPCA should also be involved as it is a case of animal neglect and endangerment.


I would also check into http://aazk.org/ about their keepers and place for formal complaint with them as well.



--- on a more extreme end get peta involved...

*NOTE: I hate PETA's ethics and moral code but they get stuff noticed....

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  • 4 weeks later...

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