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Derbyan parakeet


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Has anyone had any experience with Derbyan parakeets?


There's one in our local bird store that has been there for a while. It's become very shy for lack of handling and runs away from your hand. I can get it to play with me if I pick up a toy, but it won't let me touch it. I'm a little concerned about this sweet little bird, as it's very expensive due to its rarity, but not doing a very good job of selling itself. I always had to see these babies linger in the store for very long without finding a home.

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@Jayd: Please don't shut up. I rely on your input. Thanks for the very informative link.


That is a lovely bird with wonderful coloring, thanks Janet for providing a link, now Birdnut are you thinking of getting this bird?


Judy, I have certainly considered it. I just worry about it lingering in the shop, losing its tameness. The link Jayd provided mentioned that they need constant handling to maintain their tameness, and this baby is not getting that. When she (I think it's a female, but not sure at what point the beak colors differentiate) was first put out, people picked her up and admired her a lot. She's a very handsome bird. But you know how it is, if the bird doesn't come to them, or immediately allow them to pick it up, people just move on to a friendlier bird. (Like one of the amazons clambering for attention :) ) And, like I said, it's an expensive bird. For what they're asking, a person could get an amazon or a grey or one of the caiques clowning around in the next pen.


They used to have staff in the bird area of this shop that did a much better job of handling the birds and keeping them well socialized and tame. I think they also did a better job of informing potential buyers about the birds.


But I just feel like I have enough birds to take care of and to give them the attention they deserve. I know my husband would strongly discourage me from acquiring another.


It's just hard to watch this sweet, gentle bird lingering in the pen, losing its tameness. Sigh. I wonder if this type of bird can be retamed successfully.

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The Derbyan Parakeet I wrote about received some good attention from a gentleman in the store and became much friendlier. It has since been purchased, and, based on what the store manager told me, has found a very good home. Yeay!

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