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Looking for a Grey


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GM all! As I said in my intro post, we do not have a grey yet. We are looking for one now, meanwhile trying to learn everything possible - I know some of you are probably snickering @ my wanting to know everything. We live outside Memphis, TN & there just aren't any (that we can find anyway) good stores around here who specialize in parrots. There use to be but I guess all the chains have moved everyone out. We went to a couple of "chains" just looking at cages, etc & found a 4 month old CAG at Superpetz. Now - I would never really consider buying this bird (mainly b/c it was $1599 for the bird alone). But I just feel more comfortable buying directly from a breeder. This was my first interaction with a grey in a long time & I gotta tell you - it just made the excitement grow even more!!!

I was wondering if anyone out there could give me some direction on finding a good breeder. I am in touch with a guy in Charlotte who seems on the level. But I feel like all I've done for 3 days at work last week was google parrot breeders. Exhausting.

Sorry to rattle - this seems like a great family & I look forward to any direction anyone can give me.

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Well one source is local vets especially avian vets, they may know of local breeders in your area. Also if there are any bird clubs or rescue organizations they may be of help to you too.


Let us know if you find out anything, maybe we can come up with some other ideas.

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Dan - That would be great! Unless we can find something in TN or AR we will probably not care how far away the breeder is as most I've seen have a flat rate for flying your baby to you. I apologize if this question is a repeat - as I just came across another post (not sure how old it is) & there was a link to a breeder in the Dallas area.

Judy - I have found an avaian vet in Memphis that I'll most likely use. That's a good idea to contact them.

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How about contacting the local parrot club. You can usually find them threw the avian vet. Or go to the next bird fair. I believe they a have several a year there let me check bird talk real fast.....



There are two in TN next month but none in your area. One you can find info on is at www.ebcnet.com


and the other gives out phone numbers and email address Id rather not put on here.

Or you could pick up a bird talk at your local pet shop.

I don't blame you I would not buy from a pet store they over price and most don't really take proper care of their birds.

Oh and you could try Just some stuff I found when looking for mod info on what our jobs are or should be.


http://www.evcforum.net/WebPages/ModeratorGuidelines.html they have a forum for breeders to let you know what they have for sale and such. Maybe you can find some one close to you there.

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Thanks Tari! You know we were anticipating that bird show because my sister-in-law & hubby actually bought their son a parakeet from it a year or so ago & they were telling us they saw some large parrots there. Of course my luck - I stumbled upon the calendar & it was last weekend. :( But there is another coming up in November. If we don't find one by then, we are definitely going!

I've emailed so many breeders it is all starting to run together!!! LOL Any suggestions on the most important things to look for in a breeder & questions I should specifically ask? I am currently in touch with 2, possibly 3 right now that have babies available.

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Greetings Beckymac and Welcome!


Ask the breeder how they wean. The response should be abundance weaning. Ask the breeder how they fledge. The best approach is if they allow complete fledging so the bird is completely flight proficient before (or if) they clip the wings. Ask the breeder their policy on health guarantee. Ask the breeder what kind of diet they currently offer their birds once weaned. This will help you get a feel for how much the bird is exposed to. Ask the breeder if they do any work with flight harnessess. The sooner the young birds get used to that the better in the long run. There are lots of other things to look out for..:) I think these are a few good ones to start!

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Guest briansmum

those are all excellent questions to ask the breeder. also i would ask about the temprement of the bird, has it bitten yet. is it happy/cheerful or quiet/conserved. ask about their history, how many birds have they bred/sold, how many do they have now? ask if you can see your babies parents. there are hundereds, i could go on and on, but i'm sure you get the idea :)

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Guest Monique

dblhelix has great advice. I would be cautious of getting a bird at a bird fair - all the birds in close proximity and people touching one bird then another, etc. There is a lot of risk of disease. Abundance weaning and fledging are important. It does take a while to find a good breeder that's a good fit for you. Upatsix.com normally has a lot of posts each day with breeders and available birds. There ARE scammers on there though just like everywhere else so do your research!!

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Thanks guys! I am finally in touch with a breeder (fortunately I've had some down time @ work lately) as of today only about 3-4 hours south of me in MS. She's been breeding for 17+ years & I found her on birdbreeders.com. Close enough if I wanted to jump in the truck Saturday & take a looksee @ her place I could. Oohhh I'm getting so excited! She has 2 babies (5wks old) right now. But I am not about to wean/hand feed one my first time around! EEK! LOL

I'll keep everyone posted on what more information I find out.

Again - thanks dbhelix, beccy, & monique for the questions to ask - man I should start a notebook! ;)

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I live in Mississippi Where might this breeder be or maybe her name. I know a few breeders in my area (Jackson) and have heard of a few in this area too.

Also when you go look and see how clean things are. Do the babies have clean feet, cages, ect....

It should not be over clean but clean enough that the babies dont have food caked around their feet or face. A little is normal a lot is not.

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Tari - Her company is Grey Feather Exotics in Pearl, MS. She says she's been breeding greys for 17+ years,says her babies are pulled from the nest @ 2 weeks, and hand fed until 11-14 weeks.

Also that the babies are raised in her kitchen around her other pets so they seem to have a good deal of social interaction before they even leave to go to their new home. She's been very helpful & gave me her phone numbers to call anytime. She's also mailing me a brochure she has giving more information about her business. I'm seriously thinking about grabbing my girls, hopping in the truck & taking a day trip down there Saturday! :P

Where in MS are you??

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Ok I know who she is and I have talked to a couple people and they are saying to be very carefull buying from her.

There has been some some issues in the past not dealing with birds but with other things that were not (how do I say this) on the up and up with some business dealing.

I believe this is the same women I bought a parrotlet from that died two days later and she would not refund my money. Part of this was my fault for not asking about health warrenty.

So be sure you ask about this. Im waiting on some more replies about her Ill let you know and if you still like me too Ill call her and make an appoint to go out and see her birds.

I won't lie to her Ill just tell her Im doing a previsit before you make the trip all this way.


I know a person that knows Myrna better but her work has her out of town right now but hope to talk to her soon.

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Guest briansmum

this is so exciting! i bet your laying eggs beckymac. how great of tari to help you out. tari your a star, karma for you!

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Yes - Karma to you Tari! Although to be perfectly honest this is disappointing - ONLY because I was hoping that after searching blindly I'd found a decent breeder & she seems so informative & experienced.

I don't know what kind of schedule you keep - but 3 hours is a very long way to drive (as I am acutally north of Memphis) just to find out this won't work, but if you would be willing to check her out for me I don't know how I could thank you!!!!

This link that you put in your reply .. I see they have a couple of CAG babies...is this someone you would personally recommend .... I'm going to mapquest how far Brookhaven is from Memphis ...

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yes I meant to say that is a very very good breeder I have been out to her place and it is wonderful and she spoils her babies.

I bought a cage from her and she is a member in good standing with our club however we don't see her much.

I almost got an ekkie from her.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/08/21 19:41

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