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Louie and his Furby


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Louie has been a member of my flock for two weeks. He is a pretty quiet guy and so far has only said two words, "Hello" in many different ways, singsong, long sounding, normal. He also has learned "nite, nite" but so far that's it!! He loves to come out of his cage but usually just so he can go and steal food from Sully's or Ana Grey's cage. He still doesn't trust me, though I know he wants to, but he is still very cautious. He growls at me when I try to hand him a treat, but he does take the treat. He does not like nuts but he does love veggies. Ana Grey still dive bombs him, and he still holds his ground. Louie is a mellow and calm guy and I can't wait for him to totally trust me.



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Bless him! He is a mellow guy, that poor furby would not know what had hit him if it was Diego.


Sounds like he is slowly starting to find his feet in his new home, with time I am sure the trust will come.


How is he going back into the cage? I've always wondered how people manage when the bird does not like to be handled too much?

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Louie is very smart, he knows if he is doing something wrong and he knows going into Sully's cage is wrong. I just point to his cage, which is beside Sully's and say, "get out of there" and he looks at me and gets out of Sully's cage and goes to his. I always give my fids fruits/veggies/seeds/nuts when I want them back in their own cages. They come back. I don't dole out nuts and seeds they are sparse and a treat/bribe for my fids.


And yes, Louie is a big boy and very healthy and handsome. I am delighted with this wonderful BFA he is a doll.

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