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Stormy Weather = Strange Behaviour


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Today we have had our first proper rainfall for at least 6 months YAY!!! Not only are we having some rainfull but we have had storms coming and going all day, this is the first time Diego has ever seen or heard a storm.


He's been behaving really odd today and I don't know whether it is something to do with the weather? I have not been able to get too close to him today as he has been fully wired since he woke up. He's not acting aggressive or scared about anything but just over the top with everything he is doing and being SUPER Hyper Active! He's also not been interested in his food today which is unusual for him?


With the food I'm going to keep an eye on this and hopefully it's just to do with the weather putting him out of sorts. I just wondered if anyone else finds odd behaviour in their feathered friends when the weather is stormy. :confused:

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All four of our parrots will act differantly when there is a storm comming.Corky our grey will be cuddly. Our tiels will be very quiet and Cricket will be kind of out in left field some place. When it`s over they all start to sing or make noise it all depends on how you look ai it.

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It seems like the worst of the stormy weather has passed and Diego is a different bird, he has just spent 10 minutes sat on my lap dozing whilst I scritched him all over his body. He's currently now tucking into his food, so am releived that the no eating was to do with it also.


I'm thinking they can probably sense the change in atmospheric pressure.


You could be right with this as both my cat and dog have little mad spells when a storm is brewing, so I am guessing it can effect Diego the same way. Actually I suppose even I act differently as a storm can create an excitement in the air, plus after nearly 6 months of dry and hot weather I feel refreshed envigorated :)


and Cricket will be kind of out in left field some place.


LOL, this is a great analogy of how Diego was today! LOL


I'm not sure if it was excitement or hyperactivity due to being nervous? Should I keep him in the cage during a bad storm in the future, or would this make him fearful with the thunder and not being able to get close to us?

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I don`t know if keeping him in the cage is better or not. We have had them in and out of the cage when there was a storm and they seam to cling to us when they are out but they are ok in their cage in a storm With us it depends on how bad the storm and if we need to go to the basement. (They go with us)

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What a wonderful thread. In the wild, Zon's are always on the look out for predators, there a nervous bird to begin with, then storm's, winds,new noises, they really stress, then they run for cover.... What we do, is cover part or all of the top and down to perch level on 3 sides of there cage, a place, security, we also some what ignore them, unless they call for us....Thanks Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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we also some what ignore them, unless they call for us....


I had to ignore Diego as he was a loose cannon! He just kept flying to me but when he landed on my arm kept prodding me and making small bites. Looking back I think he was trying to say to me, "Come on, lets get outta here!!" I don't think he was too scared though as he was playing with his toys, although I admit aggressively. Luckily we do not have many big storms here but the next time I think I will try him in the cage. His cage is near our sofa so he will still be near to us.

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