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Jude has landed


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OMG am I tired but its a good kind of tired, Julie and I packed in a good week getting to know one another better and she took me on sightseeing trips every day and some evenings we ended up at a pub or two, one night we did the pub crawl where we went to 4 different ones, don't worry she didn't drive home as we were picked up.


I have lots of pictures to share but some of the best scenery was seen from the airplane windows as I flew over England especially as I was in her area but I have no pics, only the images in my mind that I will remember forever. Such pristine countryside, the fields were surrounded by either stone walls, trees or shrubbery neatly manicured to make for a beautiful pastoral landscape with villages here and there, all I can say is WOW. That is Julie in the first pic.

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I have lots more pictures on Facebook if you want to see the album and we really did have such a good time and Julie has found her a full time job so she can come over and visit me next year so watch out America!

Josey was just fine when I got home, my hubby let her out in the evenings and she will give him kisses, she holds no grudges and was glad to see me.

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