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My Arms are soooo Sore! :(


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Forget about an Amazons beak being a threat, it's Diego's claws that I'm becoming afraid of! I clip his nails every 3 weeks but I have to admit I don't trim them to far down just the pointy bit at the end. Only because I'm afraid of cutting too close to the blood supply.


However, being a typical Amazon my arms and hands are just play things to Diego and he spends most of his time hung upside down from them. This I don't mind, however, every time he slips himself upside down he leaves a nice cut behind on my arm.


Before these cuts can heal they get cut open again, so my arms and hands are constantly covered in open slash marks or scabs. It's got to the stage now where people are noticing and it always seems such a lame excuse to say my Parrot did them. LOL


I've gone out and bought a cement perch today and just need some advice on it. I've stuck it in the corner he prefers to sit but was wondering if I should only use it for a week at a time and then remove it again to save his feet getting sore? Also how quickly do this perches start improving their nail length?

Edited by GoDiego
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Cricket has 5 perches in her cage and one is a cement perch that is in there all the time and she will use all of them. She also has a cement swing.

I think she likes the cement perch the best but there are 4 other perches of different sizes and shapes she can use.

We also have a corner mount bird bath with a wood perch to make it easy for her get in.

The bath is inside the cage

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Filing the nails is also an option, if your bird will let you. With Cleo, I have to hide her under my shirt when sitting down, so she is still on my lap. It seems the dark and warmth calms her, which allows me to quickly file the sharp edges off her nails. I use one of those metal "diamond" human files.


Good old fashioned iodine on those cuts will clean them, dry them up and heal them in no time by the way.

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Thanks everyone for your replies. Since putting the perch in yesterday, I have noticed that he is not sitting on it as much as he did when his previous perch was in the same position. However, he is sitting on it every now and again, so I am hoping that it starts doing it's magic on his nails.


I was just worried about using the perch as Amazons are known for feet problems as they tend to be perch potatoes. Although Diego at the moment never stays still in his cage apart from bedtime plus he is out for most of the day so I think his feet will be ok. I will just keep an eye on them to make sure they are not getting sore.


The worst cuts are the ones are the ones when one of his claws actually punctures the soft part of skin between my thumb and forefinger OUCH! LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have noticed that my grey Jerry will migrate to the highest perch. This must relate to the wild where the most dominate birds sit on the highest branches. I bought one of those cement perches that vary in size and diameter and Jerry loves it. I rotate the perch every three weeks or so and it helps take the edge of his nail while also giving different shapes and sizes for him to grab on to, thus avoiding foot issues.

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Cleo will climb as high as she can on her boing to avoid having to step up to go to bed. She is also in a prime position there to nip at my fingers if I try. She quickly learnt though that I can REMOVE the boing from its hanging position. The look on her face when I do that is rather comical.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Diego's party trick so I cannot get him is to fly to my head, when I reach up for him he will fly up then back down on my head again. He knows I cannot see what is happening up there and he only ever does this when he knows it's coming up to bedtime or we say the word cage!


Update on my arms are that they now look completely normal without a scratch on them! The concrete perch has worked a treat. :)

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Diego's party trick so I cannot get him is to fly to my head, when I reach up for him he will fly up then back down on my head again.


LOL When my guys do that, I stick my head in their cage. They all have big doors. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


And I never tell them I'm going to shut the door until I'm on the other side. Why give them a head start?

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