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Update on Smokey


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I have previously posted about how freaked out Smokey suddenly became. Vet visit (not avian specialist) proved nothing. Did a wing clip, will never do again! To make a long story short......I have an appointment with a avian specialist for this coming Monday morning. About a 3 hour ride but it will be worth it I'm sure. Smokey still freaks out but seems a little better on that detail. BUT what I have discovered is each time she puts her foot down a certain way she yelps and lets go, falling to the cage bottom. I haven't narrowed down if it's both feet or just 1. I think just the right one. That's the one that the reg vet found a scratch on her thigh. He said it was healing and nothing to worry about. He also founf that one foot is pink and the other is grey under it. I finally got in touch with the previous owner and they said she was born that way. One is pink under it and the other is grey. Now though I believe it's something else. She can use her toes just fine. Hangs upside down, crawling upside down. But if she puts it down to walk or climb a certain way, yelp yelp and plunges to the bottom. I'll be so glad to see this this specialist! I feel I just wasted my money on the vet who sees alot of birds but not avain certified!

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Yes, I have read about bumblefoot. It could possibly be that. It's not very red or raw, no open sores, at least not yet! I hope if it's that we have caught it early. I have rescheduled my appt for tomorrow morning at 8. We'll leave the house by 5am. I didn't want to wait for Monday and they had that cancellation so I took it. I noticed last night that on top of her left wing some feathers were ruffled and the skin pink. She didn't bother it that I noticed. I believe it could have happened during a fall yesterday. My poor baby. Tomorrow can not come fast enough. I dread the long lonely ride but can't wait to see Lauren Powers.

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Well, I will try to make this short as possible as it is so difficult to even think about . My visit with the avian vet did not go at all like I expected. I no longer have my Smokey. She did all the blood work, stains, etc. Results thus far are that he has a her quote was "Massive massive staph infection, the worst I've seen in my 15 years of parctice". He also has a yeast infection. The staph is under his left wing and the yeast was on top of the left wing. His white blood cell count was almost nill/nothing. The cell count could be normal for him she can't tell that. But he has almost no immune system to help fight these infections. She said she couldn't believe he was still alive. BUT all his organs were working properly, he was eating/drinking. Course of action...........starting him on 2 of the most powerful antibiotics possible/twice a day, cleaning the infection sight daily, and of course heavy pain meds. He will be hospitalized for at least a week to see if he improves with this course of treatment. Then she said it would have to be continued at home for probably 4-6 weeks. After all this there's a 20-30% chance this could reoccur off and on in his lifetime. With all his organs properly working, he was eating/drinking, she did not suggest euthanizing. I did know that there was no way I could physically, emotionally and financially handle his care he would need if he makes it through the week. With the tears flowing and my heart breaking I signed him over to their care. They will care for him and if he pulls through they will find him a suitable home that can and will handle his care. I sang "Jesus Loves Me" to him as he always liked that and let them have him. He was already on the pain meds so looked liked he was going to sleep some and he was beak grinding so I know he already felt better. As to the cause it's hard to tell. She said a feather may have gotten infected under the wing or moisture in the fold of the wing. That we'll never know. The first vet I went to missed it! That's all I'll say about him. I do know you should see a avian vet and not just a vet that see's birds! When he was freaking out with us.......we were just leaving him alone. I guess I should have toweled him and checked him over good myself. He was in pain. The infection had already traveled down his leg and up to his neck. I was prepared to spend $1,000 or so but I knew I just couldn't handle 2 or more thousand. She thought he had a good shot of survival so I did what I thought was best for him. I can't second guess my decision now. I still cry just thinking of him. At least I know he'll have his pain controlled. better close this story for now. I do appreciate all the help and advice.

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The avian vet where he is is a 24 hour round the clock care. I know he's not suffering any more. She even anestizes for the wound cleaning plus he's on pain meds. I called there today and even though they are not suppose to tell me anymore about him, she did tell me things were looking up. That's all I know. I feel in my heart that I did the best for Smokey. Not for me as my heart is still aching but he is where he has to be for now.

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What a bittersweet update. The good news is presently he is in the best place to properly care for him as he receives the proper medicines to fight off that severe staph infection. I am so sorry it has turned out that he will no longer be able to be a part of your life. It is sweet in the sense that the vet is going to absorb the costs of care and once healed finding him a new home to care for him.


I am so sorry it has turned out this way, but I have no doubt, Smokey continuing to live is more important than the loss you are now feeling. You have my utmost respect and admiration.

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I cannot say enough that you did the best thing for Smokey. I can't imagine the hurt you are going through at the moment, but please know, your sacrafice is allowing him to live!


Thank you for the update. I will pray for your emotional healing, and for Smokey as well :)

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I am so sorry to hear that Smokey is no longer with you but you did the right thing in giving him the chance to live, sometimes we love enough to give them up if it means they will have a chance even though your heart is breaking right now. You made the ultimate sacrifice to give him up to save his life and I thank you for that.

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