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Roxy talks!


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This weekend was very special for me and Roxy.


She started to say all kinds of cute things. She is really becoming a real cute birdie. She plays with everything and everyone. Whenever she hears something new, she starts to practise saying it, and then just suddenly she will say it all the time.


So cute.

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Talking is a funny thing with Greys.. You know it really does take like a year or so before they start.. Yeah I know there are stories of Greys talking when they are like 6 months.. but this talk isn't fluent mostly.. It might be one Hello.. or something like that.. It really isn't until they get over that year mark that they start to really begin to talk..


Another think about talking.. With Ceasar as an example.. I said "good morning" since we got him.. this is 8 months at least.. Every morning I would say "good morning".. do you know it wasn't until recently that he started saying it.. Thats a long time.. Many Grey owners and talking parrot owners in general are too impatience when it comes to teaching their bird to talk.. You have to work at it.. for a long time..

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Josey didn't really start to talk until she got close to the year old mark, it just takes time and they don't always repeat what you try to teach them to say, but maybe something you only said once or twice. The tone of voice has a lot to do with it, they pick up on the excitement level of it.


Josey will carry on conversations with my hubby, it is so funny to hear. I just love her to death.

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