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I can hear when she "goes." Is this normal?


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Hello, everyone.



Whenever my CAG drops a bomb, I can hear it. I am not talking about the bomb hitting the cage bottom or the floor of my home or whatever - I'm talking about hearing an actual noise as the excrement leaves her body.



I had a TAG many years ago as well as several other parrots back then and now, and in none of them, was this the case. The excrement would seem to just fall from their bodies with no noise, but not with my current CAG.



She seems perfectly fine in all ways except this. She plays, talks up a storm, interacts with people in the environment, eats anything that isn't nailed down, and in short, acts like a normal healthy AG. So I'm probably just being an overly-concerned birdy parront but wanted to find out what you all think.



Many thanks!

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Elevenking: Glad to hear Isaac does that, too. Sounds like he and my girl are making similar noises.


KimKim: That is cute, that your Babalu makes a grunt while he goes. Too funny!

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LOL! Well I never hear a sound from Dayo's pooping, just hear the splat or feel it on my shirt if it's a large one. Never heard of them actually creating a "Sound" as they do it. But, evidently it is common or you guys are feeding lots of beans .... :P


Well it is a very quiet sound. My favorite ones are when I am wearing a shirt with a pocket and the poop goes right in. Good stuff. I have never been so crapped on in all my life...should I be honored?

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Tell me, was it a great experience? Did you feel closer to your bird? Did you feel that he was finally showing his innermost feelings to you? Did you feel that he was indeed talented? Did you feel that the next step of that special bond had finally arrived? Do you now feel reinvigorated? Are any doubts you've had still there? Are you now ready to take on the next hurdle? Do you feel that more success will be easier to achieve now that this tray breaking experience has finally made itself known?

Good luck in all of your future experiences.

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is mine the only one who grunts when he goes?


LMAO!! No...Issac will do this with the really big ones. That is hillarious!!! It's not like a really loud grunt...but likt a little puff of air out the nose. That look on their face is priceless too.


This thread is twisted....LOL.

Edited by Elvenking
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From a previous thread


You join discussion groups and share in agonizing detail each tiny movement of your parrot with other parrot owners, who then share a more-than-unusual interest in everyone else's parrot's poop. In fact, poop now occupies so much of your thought and free time that you have lost

interest in politics, career, and IRA earnings.



See what I mean people? I said it would happen and it did. Poop and all of it's descriptions and sounds and methods of landing in trays and on floors have finally won over.

Who said that people were immune from mental conditions?

Just remember that there are people in the world who can help.

Sad, so sad.

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When Corky comes out of her cage in the mornning and if you don`t put her on her t stand she will land on the back of the chair were the dog sleeps and this is no joke she can hit the dog on the nose and that one you don`t hear. This has happend many times and dog won`t find anouther spot.

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Oh My Goodness!!! I am ROFLOL....what a wonderful thing to read about after a hard day....(I'm wiping the tears from my eyes and my stomach still hurts from laughing so hard)...

What can I say? I have a sick sense of humor LOL...


P.S. all our birds are silent...I feel deprived (or depraved)....

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