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feeding egg( shell and all?)


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Hello everyone- it is the insomniac asking more questions... I heard that you could feed your grey a whole egg, shell and all. Is this a good idea? Can they break up and digest the shell properly? I know that Greys can become calcium deficient easily and I thought this sounded like it would be a good source of calcium if it could be digested properly. I searched the forum but could not find anything. Has anyone been doing this or heard of it? I wouldn't do it everyday or anything (don't want to give her high cholesteral or anything) I have fed her just egg and she adores it. Something about feeding a bird an egg that is a little odd- but she certainly does not seem to mind HA! Let me know... Thank you!

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The eggshell is supposed to be very good for birds, calcium wise, but I haven't fed Nikko any of it myself. I would probably try to smash it up into a powder if I did feed it to her.


Nikko also loooovvvveeesss eggs. We call her a little cannibal ;). I usually give her around a teaspoon or two, although she would probably gorge on a whole egg if I let her.

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Guest Monique

The shell is fine just crush it up a bit. Just like they don't choke on a carrot they're really not likely to choke on a shell either :P.

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  • 6 months later...

From what I have read only the shells off hard boiled eggs should be given and they should be boiled extra long to be sure all the bacteria has been killed off the shell. I don't feed egg shell because of the possible bacteria on them, but I scrape cuttle bone onto wet foods.

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I feed eggs and shells, ground up. Not to like a powder just crushed some. I only use shell from hard boiled egs...well no not true...I use all shells but boil them first. ALL my birds enjoy this even the finches!! For them of course its ground up fine but for my egg laying birds I really feel its best to feed the shell to help avoid egg binding!! They actually like it too...My finches often have a bowl of fine ground shells in their aviary and them munch on it often!!

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