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What a baby grey from 6 wks on should be learning and have learned by now?

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I have a new baby, he's 5 1/2 weeks old. I've hand fed babies before, not a grey but larger parrot type birds, but, it's been several years. I was super nervous about taking baby home, but, the breeder was going out of town THAT DAY and really wanted me to take the baby right away. I prefer to spoon feed babies, I just think it's safer and healthier for the babies, maybe I'm wrong as I know there are lots of folks that syringe feed and their babies are just as healthy as can be. I agreed to pick my baby up early, provided the breeder allow me to come before one of his feedings so that I could get a "refreshers course" to be sure I remembered how and also for her to make sure SHE thought I fed him properly. All is gravy baby, just like riding a bike, I felt MUCH better about taking him home once I KNEW I would remember how to feed him properly.


I wanted to start a new thread in hopes that all of you Grey Experts could give all of us some information on what our babies should be doing at what age they should be doing it at for the first 6 months or so.


My new baby, Maui, is just the MOST precious lil guy ever! When I first brought him home he was pretty still and quiet for the first few days, now, he's gotten so much stronger in the last 2 days, started playing with the toys I bought him, is better able to walk, when I talk to him he tries like CRAZY to make sounds back at me, it's the cutest thing! standing up better, stretching his wings, legs, flap his wings a little AND has even tried some Millet Spray, very small (seed size) pieces of food, IE... romaine lettuce, pasta, chicken breast and banana. He's eating his formula 3X per day and eats about 35 ml each feeding, so I'm not sure if I should even be giving him little things to try or not. Also, should he be drinking water during the day between feedings?


So I guess just wanted a little reassurance that he's doing well and that Mom and Dad are doing well being his surrogate Mom and Dad too!! THANKS GUYS!!!

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Hello there and welcome. 5 1/2 weeks is super young to be bringing a Grey home. I cannot speak much to the details of how to take the extra special care, but it sounds like the feedings are about right. This place is really great for advice and I am sure one of our expert members will respond. Take care of that little guy and keep him warm and cozy.

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Hi Judygram,


I am, thank you so much. I took Jayd's advice and started giving Maui some Skippy's all natural peanut butter with one of his feedings and he absolutely LOVES it. Of course then he smells like peanut butter afterwards but thats ok by me! =-) One of the things that I think is just oh so sweet is that the last couple of days, he has beens such a little snuggle bear!!! My husband and I put a towel down on our bed in between the two of us and let him play there sometimes during the day while we're just lounging watching T.V., he would rather be there than in his cage or his brooder since he's got our undivided attention. He is such a clown about 15-20 minutes after he's eaten and we just love to watch him play and chatter like crazy. Once he's worn himself out playing with his toys and talking to us, he walks up to either myself or my husband, climbs up on us, crawls up our chest until he reaches underneath our chin, rubs his little head all over our face, chirps sweet little chirps and then lays down and falls asleep on us. He enjoys it SO much that when we put him in his brooder, he trys to get out because he'd rather sleep with us!!! I know if we continue to allow him to nap on us we'll be creating a monster, but it is so very hard to ignore his pleas for us to get him out of his brooder to "hang" with Mommy and Daddy.


What do you guys think? Should we allow him to nap on us during the day? We DO make him stay in his brooder at night time, he's not allowed to sleep in our bed with us when we're going to sleep for the night. I would be horrified if anything should happen in our sleep, like accidentally rolling over on him or something. But if we're awake and just watching T.V., do you guys think it's ok to let him nap on us?

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Yes please do allow him to sleep on you during the day when you are resting or watching tv for in the coming months and years it will probably not happen that way as they usually get more independent and will not be so cuddly so enjoy it while you can. I do agree not to ever let him sleep with you overnight for the very reason you mentioned, they are safer in their own cage.

It sounds like you are doing well with him and building a wonderful relationship with Maui, have you shared some pictures of Maui yet?

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Yes, but only a few and they were from when I first got him when he was barely 5 weeks old, he has changed so much since we first got him and we've only had him for about 12 days now and he's a little over 6 weeks old. I think in a previous post somewhere I listed that he was 7 weeks, but meant to say just turned 6 weeks. So he's 6 weeks and cute as can be!!

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Also, I have read quite a bit about how snuggly they can be as babies, but most likely won't be when they get older, bummer, hah? I so enjoy our snuggles, he's such a sweetie pie and we love him so so much! He's getting bigger, stronger, smarter and more "attatched" each and every single day.

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