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My Grey doesn't play all day


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Hi all,


I have a 16 week old CAG. A few weeks ago we put her in her new big cage with lots of toys and perches. I work outside of the home and my husband has his office in the basement. Anyway, I got home today and my husband told me that she didn't move all day from her perch. She didn't eat or drink or play or anything. Her pellets were in the cage untouched. I gave her her fresh veggies and fruits and she ate them and after dinner we had our playtime. My husband plans to get a perch so she can be downstairs with him during the day but I wonder if this is normal. She seems happy, doesn't appear to be overly nervous from new things. Is she too much a baby for her cage? Just waiting for us to get home? She is by the window and just seems to look out all day.


thanks for your thoughts.



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""new big cage with lots of toys and perches.""""


At 16 weeks, loads of toys are a bit much. They should be introduced slowly, one at a time. It's very possible that your bird may have fallen off his perch and is still a little shaken up which would cause quietness or it's possible that he was banging around those toys and one of them decided to hit him back. That'll also cause quietness.


""Is she too much a baby for her cage?"""


No, but a large cage takes some getting used to especially if she was transfered from one cage to another within a short period of time

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Dave is right, a big cage at this point may be overwhelming especially if you have put a lot of toys in the cage, take some of them out and see if it makes any difference but she might just have a more docile manner about her and it may take a while for her to blossom into her full personality.

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My husband is home all day too and he always tells me Yoshi relaxes most of the day. She eats a bunch in the morning when I wake her up, then sits on her highest perch and gently nibbles at one of her favorite toys that I put up there as it is her favorite spot. When I come home at lunch, she shares part of lunch and livens up then, and is more active in her cage and on top of her cage the rest of the day. I come home from work and she is ready to play. But about 7 she calms down again and gets scratches and cuddles. Beside eating if she is still hungry, or being with us, she is relaxing on that perch again. She also likes looking out the window :)


Getting a perch for downstairs is a great idea. We also have one, it's like her messy eating perch in the dining room that she always shares lunch and dinner on.


Honestly your birdie is still a baby :) I'm sure she is still getting used to her new life and working out her own schedule by learning what yours is. I wouldn't worry about the toys or the cage being too big and as long as she eats and drinks at some points, everything is fine. Yoshi has a huge double macaw cage, and has been in it since 5 months old. It took her a full month to fully use her cage, climbing all around it and inspecting every corner and toy.


Hope this helps reassure you :)

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Hi guys, sorry for my lack of communication. My husband has been taking her downstairs during the day while he works. She hangs out with him and eats a ton of pellets. So I am ok with her eating. SHe gets fresh foods when I get home from work so she is doing ok in that.


Her cage is pretty big, she really outgrew her baby cage so we don't have a choice. but I do agree that I need to remember that she is just a baby. We had an amazon before her, Margo was about 27 years old and she was very active and always playing and yelling, etc. I need to not expect too much too soon.



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