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You were so right about talking!


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Cleo is now 1 year and 10 months old. About 6 months ago she started practicing her speech, saying "quack quack" and "hello". Then after a month of that it suddenly stopped, and not a peep from her since, so I figured she CAN talk, but just doesn't want to.


Until 4 days ago that was....

Now it is constant word practice, hello, quack quack, some form of peekaboo, what what, and the other day as I was dozing in bed listening to her 6am chatter session, I heard her say water, clear as a bell. She just does not stop practicing, just like people here said would happen. She still sounds like a little robot, with a very mechanical sounding voice, but I'm so proud of my little girl. I cheer her on each time she speaks, and it really appears she seeks the approval, as she looks over at me after she has said something.

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Awesome Azzie :)


Yoshi started talking at about 1 year old, but hasn't said anything new in about 2 months. Hopefully she starts up again lol. Sometimes these last two weeks she goes a whole day without using any words, even if I talk and talk to her. I feel the same, like she knows how but just isn't that interested. Yoshi is now 1 year and 5 months.

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When you hear Isaac do what sounds like attempts at words, make sure and reward him with praise and attention. I believe that my girl became such a good talker and imitator of sounds because I noticed that when and if I responded to her sounds and words, I'd pay her some attention either by going over to the cage, or imitating her imitation, or looking over at her and saying a few words. And once that neural pathway is formed, look out! It gets used more and more, making it better and better at being formed, and the cycle continues.


I had a TAG years ago who was not a big talker or imitator of sounds but I still loved him and admired him and learned from him. Regardless of whether our birdies ever talk, they are still magnificent companions. (But I know, it really is thrilling when they mimic so well.)

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Ohh I always praise him good for making talking attempts. He mostly tries when he is sitting on the shower curtain rod in the morning. I probably use a little more water than I should...listening to him. I will keep it up. I always talk to him and associate things. I am mostly alone with him so when I am talking, it's always to him. He definitely knows verbal cues. He gives kisses when I ask by making a kissy noise, he goes absolutely nuts when he hears, "Wanna Eat?" or "Want Noodles?".

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Aww! Averi's favorite word at the moment is "good morning!". I think this is because when I get her out of her night cage, I always say "Good morning!". Now she says"Good Morning!" etremely loud and clear when she's ready to get out of her cage!


Averi started talking about 3 months ago. And for the two months after she said her first word she stuck only with that word. Though, in the last six weeks she's picked up at least a dozen new phrases. I also noticed she practices most while I'm showering and she's sitting on the rod!

Edited by animalINSPIRED
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