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Tail Growth

Oscars Mom

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I am just a bit inquisitive about our Indian Ringneck Parakeet. I had a cockatiel that unfortunately passed away last November, after great research we purchased our Grey in June.

Since Oscar, our Grey has been part of the family, Emmy (the ringneck), her tail has grown 3 inches!

It is a beautiful blue green colour and she sings all the time now instead of squawking.

Is there a direct link to the length of a tail on a parakeet with happiness - as we have had her for about three years and this tail growth is only evident since Oscar's arrival.

thanks for any info you can send our way.

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No, there's no connection with the length of a tail and the thrills and happiness and desires a bird may have when another bird is finally present. She may like the grey but that wouldn't cause her tail to grow. She would be too busy making eyes at him.

Edited by Dave007
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