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Shy Bird


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Hello everyone me and Taz just joined.


We would like to thank everyone for a great comunity and a great help for everything they do.


Now, the only question I have so far is the following...


Taz is about 1 year old and I just got him yesterday. He has been in his cage since and he is very shy. When i put my finger in his cage he doesnt lunge at it or try to bite it he just stands there. Now I hope that he isn't te scared type. He also doesnt take food from my hand it has to be in his bowl. How long till he starts feeling better in his new home? And how long till I can open the cage and ask him to step up? And any advice would greatly be appreciated!


Once again, thanks for everything.


Take Care,

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Welcome OMGT500 and Taz!!!


It's GreYt having you here. Thanks for the compliments on what you found on our forum so far.


One day is nothing in rehoming a grey or any other bird for that matter. Greys are much more cautious than other species and being brought into a completely new home, new people, maybe a dog, cat or other birds is a whole new world to Taz. The cage is the only place he probably feels safe right now and actually by sticking your fingers in there expecting interactions, you are invading the space he thinks of as his.


Ay only 1 year old, he is still very much a baby and is now separated from his previous flock that hopefully he felt secure and loved in. The first question I have, is where did he come from and do you know how he was interacted with and treated? Where he came from and the environment dictates what he knows and will come to expect at first from you. Only time, love and patience will bring out who Taz is know and as you go, you will be able to guide this some what AFTER you build trust with him.


The first thing you need to do is just sit nearby, read, watch TV and talk to him in a kind in gentle voice. Greys are very empathic and know your emotions. If your afraid, they will be, if your nervous, they will be, if your happy, they will feel calm etc. I would suggest that you go to our Training room and read the body language thread. This will give you keen insight int what Taz is telling you by his body language. IT is something you will use to know before you move a hand or lift a finger what your grey is telling you. They use body language in the wild and with us constantly. It is the key to unlocking the trust and building a good relationship with Taz.


I look forward to hearing much more from you. Please ask all the questions you wish. We have a great group of members here that love to help people with their greys or other birds. :)

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Thanks for the quick reply!


And I Bought Taz from a petshop nearby. He was in a room with plenty of other birds near him. He seemed to he treated real well whn I saw him and hopefully he will continue getting better treatment from me!


I stopped invading his space I just sit near him, talk to him for a little bit, look at him for a while, walk by him just stuff like that.


I will also read the the body language thread. And I will also give him time. Thanks for such a warm welcome.


Take care

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Just to make you optimistic-----


You have a great thing going on here

When i put my finger in his cage he doesnt lunge at it or try to bite it he just stands there.


That's a sign that your bird will shortly be coming around and show more curiousity and interest in things. Many birds will become very frightened and will nip or screech or flap wildly in a cage when being approached. The only reaction from your bird right now simply watching things calmly so take your time, do as others have said and you'll soon have a bird that'll interact with you. It's a living creature who's doing what he was intended to do.

Edited by Dave007
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That's all a part of being a parrot. All parrots squawk. They sart to show interest or curiousity in things and they squawk. Sometimes they can do that when you're near a cage and other times they won't do it when you're near a cage. Owning a parrot means noise and a person has to be ready for that. You just got him the other day and you're gonna see many things that he'll do and it's gonna take time for him to settle in no matter how young or old he is.

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