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I finally Found It Again


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This is hands down, Issac's favorite toy...and a picture of him enjoying it. I took it out of the bag and he got so excited and has been playing with it since. I am going to order more of these milk caps and make these for him. I highly recommend it, though it may vary from bird to bird.



Edited by Elvenking
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Great looking toy, they do seem to enjoy the cheapest toys to find parts for and build, don't they? :)


Thanks for sharing this!


When I empty any container, bottle, coffee can etc. Dayo loves to play with the tops, and also shove or roll them around as fast as he can and listen to the crash bang or dink dink dink sound they make and many times follow in flight to the floor to push and chase around. It's amazing watching them make up all the various games and activities they enjoy on their own. It also just keeps the laughs rolling. :P

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Last night, he learned how to turn on the kitchen light. I think he was very proud of himself because he did it like 4 more times after I turned it off. I laughed every time. He is playing with his toy again right now. But yes, Issac loves the lids to everything. Again, another way Issac and Dayo are alike.

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