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Need help to stop poor bird from this horrible Feather plucking


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Hello guys and gals.

There's this grey who's been ignored by it's (don't know if if it's a he or a she) previous owner untill it started to show signs of Feather plucking and well the owner decided to get rid of it!

Long story short, a guy bought this poor bird so that he can help it heal but since then, in spite of all the attempts, the bird is getting worse... The vet believes it is psycholigical/behavioural...

The bird is getting a good diet, sun light, enough toys, time out of cage, attention and so on...Thus still continues to pull out it's feathers...So that the chest is almost naked...


Is there any other tecnique left we can try to help the bird get out of this misery other than using that so called "elizabeth collar"?

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There is not much you can do if you have provided all the things necessary for his/her health and if no medical reason is found then it is considered a habit and they are hard to break once it is established. You might try another vet for a second opinion but I doubt you will find anything you haven't already tried and those collars you are talking about ususally only work while they are worn, when taken off they tend to return to the plucking activity. You may just have to accept this bird as is and see the inner beauty and not pay attention to outer looks.

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I rehomed a male eclectus who lived for years in a noisey small pet store. He bite everyone and when people took him home he screamed constantly and bite anyone who tried to hold him. Frankly, I brought him home because I felt so very sorry for his plucked mess. His back was exposed and his chest and underwings were bare. He had no pellets and no fresh vegetables, he was eating Campbell's chicken soup the day I brought him home. His feet were so filthy from walking on the bottom of his dirty cage. I took him to the vet and was told with good food, lots of TLC he would be alright. His name was Butch, probably because he butchered his feathers so terribly. I call him Solomon, for to me he is a king and one day he will have his fine mantle back. I don't do so much for him, but see that he has good food, and peace and quiet and spray him with Aloe Vera Juice (there are threads here about this wonderful elixir). When he would scream I would sing to him and that would quiet him. Sully aka Solomon has been with me for 1 1/2 years. Sully is no longer plucking and he is growing back in lots of feathers. He still is shabby but one day I plan to post new pictures of a fully feathered male eclectus, God willing. He also has his flight wings back, he isn't very good at flying yet, but after 9 years of being flightless, he is doing a darn good job! A health check, good food, peace and serenity and lots of love, that's the recipe I am using.

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