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Over Stimulated...


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:)A refresher!!!


I wish to bring up once again, our over excited Zon’s..


A Amazon is a hard and serious player, they play fast and at times they play ruff. If you notice, sometimes when your playing with them, all of a sudden they’ll turn and beak or nip you, this also happens when their playing with a toy, all of a sudden they squawk and attack their toy.

This is normal behavior, they also do this in the wild. They tend to get over-stimulated/over-excited, watch for this, change the subject, keep hands and fingers clear of them for a few minutes, it will pass. Such is the way of a Amazon…



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This is such a good point to make about an Amazon.


Diego does everything full speed ahead and this is just his way, however, sometimes he just does not know when to stop! One of Diego's favourite games is hand wrestling and will grab my fingers and hands with both feet and his beak, hang upside down and generally act like a clown. However, I have to watch him very, very closely when we play this game as he can get wired very quickly and when this happens It's time for him to be left alone to calm down as he does not know when to stop. His bites become harder and faster, not out of aggression but because you can see him getting more and more excited with the situation and losing control of his emotions. I just say to him, "OK that's enough now, or it will end in tears" and pop him back on his perch. I've also got him used to stepping up onto a wooden pole for when he is really wired but I need to get him back to his perch. A few times he as really bitten hard the pole and I have thanked god that I have used it.


Luckily I find Diego's body language pretty easy to read as he is very much "what you see is what your gonna get" When he gets over excited his body language changes to:


Slicked down feathers

A snaking motion with his neck

Eyes pinning

Beak slightly open with his tongue moving rapidly

and he also makes a funny squealing noise, but very different from his stay away growl.


So far by nipping any over excited behaviour in the bud I have saved myself a few bites, however my arms do not get off lightly and I am constantly covered in cuts where he hangs upside down from me. :)

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My Louie, is a very calm kind of guy. He is 2 1/2 years old and is just kind of laid back. He is finally taking nuts from my hand but still won't let me touch him. He doesn't back away so much so I am hopeful he is starting to see that I'm a friend. He likes to play with the Furby on his cage and make it talk!!!

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