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1000 greys confiscated


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I watched a video on YouTube about how the men out there trap Greys and then they're transported to other countries and most of them don't make it. I cried at it! Greys are amazingly beautiful birds and it hurts me so much when I see things like that. Every form of animal cruelty, in my opinion, is just absolutely disgusting and unforgivable. I look at those poor birds and I see my Tui staring back at me....I can't even describe how I feel when I see this; it's literally heartwrenching.

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What kinda of human would do something like this? How sad! Breaks my heart to see this. They need to tie this guy(or whoever) to a tree in the middle of no where and let they see how if feels to not able to eat or drink and get all stressed out. I would take them all if I had a place. Makes me so sick to my stomache!!!!!!

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Wow. Just think if people stop "buying" parrots, and instead opted to rescue the homeless ones we wouldn't have this problem. I guess the "buying masses" are much to blame.

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Unfortunately it's not just that they are captured to export. The people in Africa and some other countries value certain parts of the Greys as a magical elixir....... Africa as a whole is full of poachers that do it for the money and have been for decade upon decade. If they do not hesitate to kill a human trying to stop them, they certainly have no qualms about the plight of the critter they are killing. For the most part, these people are not civilized as us "New World" countries that have gotten to where just the thought of having to kill a chicken for dinner upsets some..... Most these outer tribes are starving and do whatever it takes to take care of their families just to survive day to day.

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