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Yoshi's home :)


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Yoshi has always gone back to the breeder's place when we go away, as she knows that lady and accepts the transition pretty easily. But in light of recent problems, I will no longer be taking her there. Last time I took Yoshi there, she told me that I was being irresponsible leaving Yoshi's wings unclipped and that she would take care of Yoshi while I was away but if I wanted to leave the wings unclipped she would not be let out at all. That's it, I've had it with her pushy opinion and am not going back. She sits her bigger birds out on the porch sometimes because they are clipped and 'can't fly away'. That's more irresponsible than what I do because clipped birds can still fly outside. I've had several talks with her about Yoshi's wings as the new feathers were growing in. She even went so far as to find a bunch of stories of lost greys with flights and say 'those birds are probably lost forever because owners like you think your birds need to fly.' She said that's why she clips all her babies (Yoshi was one of them) and then they don't know what they are missing. Well, Yoshi's got flights now and they are here to stay. She LOVES flying!


So before I get more into a rant, Yoshi no longer goes there and over Labor Day weekend she tried another place :) This is a little locally run bird store called Paws and Feathers. It's funny because she used to be cats, dogs, and birds, but has since changed to just birds. I've brought Yoshi in there with me several times over the last 6 months anyway, so the two girls working there already know her. They charged me $5 a day, and I think Yoshi was even happier there. The manager there has several birds of her own, and breeds macaws and small birds, and totally doesn't believe in wing clipping. Yoshi was put on a stand in the store near the front every day, from open to close, and was only caged at night, much like she is used to at home. Apparently she continued practicing her flying skills, as the other lady in the store told me Yoshi kept flying to her and riding on her shoulder rather than staying on the stand. Yoshi did great there, and I have now switched to buying all my toys and food from her. Apparently Yoshi wanted to make friends with a big cockatoo and flew over to his stand a couple times but was driven away by the unfriendly cockatoo :P Poor Yoshi just wanted a friend haha. Yoshi came back yesterday afternoon happy as can be, with pasta still stuck to her feet from their afternoon snack :P She flew right to me when she saw me in the store, made me feel like she missed me too :)


I'm so lucky Yoshi is such a great bird :) I brought her straight upstairs to her open cage, and she settled in so quickly. I talked to her and then went to have a shower, which she insisted on joining me in :P She seems to like showers most if it's her idea lol. She will fly in the bathroom and try to get my attention. She is a great little flyer :)


After our showers we all had fried rice for dinner, and Yoshi picked the egg out of mine :P Then I played video games while Yoshi napped on her cage. She flew over a little while later for some attention and I ended up giving her neck stratches for 30 minutes straight! She was being so lovable! She climbed into her cage for bedtime early, and put herself to bed, so I guess she was pretty tired! Usually she climbs into her cage about 10PM if my husband and I are in her room playing video games, but last night she was asleep by 9.


Also, if you have seen my post about the two new birds I'm taking care of, Yoshi doesn't seem to care about their noises downstairs. She listens a bit, but then goes about her business as usual :P


Nothing could replace the joy I have taking care of my grey :)

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Sounds like Yoshi enjoyed her stay at the pet shop, followed by a very happy reunion. Yoshi certainly sounds like a very confident, outgoing grey.


It sure must make things easier and reassuring to know you have a place you can leave her when you need to be away where she is comfortable and happy. (There's just this little naggy voice in the back of my mind that worries a little about whether she might have a chance of being exposed to some disease there).

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