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Advice for an adoptive parront?


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I'm preparing to take on a pair of greys, "Romeo" and "Juilet." They are roughly 6-8 years old, I will be their 3rd home. The current owner is getting their estate in order to go to a nursing home facility, and as I veterinary professional (specifically with a lot of bird experience) I was recommended as a contact for her in this difficult situation.

I joined the forum here just under 2 years ago now when I was entitled the care of a middle aged (20's-30's) grey with sever chronic plucking and calcium deficiency that was dumped at my hospital. I appreciated him for everything he taught me in the short time he had with me. I have said since his passing that I'd do it again in a heart beat, but I'd not go buy a grey, or create a home for one that wasn't in need. I have the time, I have some knowledge (I'll be the first to admit I'm constantly learning more), and I have the heart, last but not least I have the financial means and network to support proper grey medical care.

So here I am, reaching out to you again for advice: How do I best make the pair's transition smooth? I visit them 1-2 times a week to interact for a few hours at a time at this point. "Romeo" has decided I'm fascinating, he enjoys sitting with me and grumbling (supposedly doesn't talk.) However this makes "Juliet" very jealous. She is unsure of me, and upset with him for interacting with me.

I'd love if anyone has transitional advice for the move; winning her over; changing their diet (more seeds than I find advisable currently;) or just any advice you may have for adopting a set of bonded greys. This is uncharted territory for me.

I read over the must read threads a few times to reinforce the knowledge I have of greys, and learning some new things, but found little about bonded pairs of greys.

Thanks for all your help in advance!

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They are in the same cage, it is one of the giant play top macaw cages. Honestly, I had the same cage for my single CAG prior, so it concerned me slightly. However, they seem to be of great feather and spend 99% of their time out of it, or at least with the door open and the choice to be in or out. I do have a cat at home, so all out of cage activity will be closely supervised after their move to my home. Should I have two cages? They're reliant on eachothers company it seems...Would that upset them to be separate? Or alternately would it be benificial for getting past "Romeo's" awkward/shy nature? (I think that "Juliet" is a bit dominant/overbearing of him.)

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I don't have any experience with bonded pairs, so what I'm about to say is based soley on the reading I've done here over the years. It's my understanding that if you have two greys together in the same cage they will bond with each other more than with their parront. If your desire is to have a relationship with them both you should house them in separate cages, kept in the same room, probably side by side. This will incourage more independant play. Hopefully someone here with experience of multiple greys will have more to add.

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