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Introduction of New Bird


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I have a male Congo African Grey who is now 1 1/2 years old. Approximately one month ago I was given an male Eclectus. He too is 1 1/2 years old. Their cages are in the same room and yes they see each other all the time. Often I will hold the Grey in my right hand and the Eclectus in the left hand, however, I have never put them together so they can interact with each other for fear that one might hurt the other. Neither one has ever showed aggression towards the other, but I'm still concerned. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might introduce them to each other?

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Thank you, and welcome, your doing the right thing, keep a eye on them and let them decide, don't force them or push them together. You Grey is number 1 bird, always greet him first, treat him first, give him new toys first, and pick him up first, this will set the stage. Jayd

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i have an older male ekkie (at least 10 years) and a 2 year old TAG. My ekkie, Sully, is much larger than my grey, Ana Grey. They have been together for 1 1/2 years. At first Sully would scream whenever Ana Grey came near him now he just moves over and lets Ana Grey steal his food. He is a very mellow guy around her. they are great friends. Now my new Zon, Louie, 2 1/2 years, Ana Grey always dive bombs his head, he use to jump to the floor now he just tolerates her dives. I keep a close eye on them as Louie is much larger than Ana Grey. Ana Grey tries to protect Sully from Louie, I believe, as Louie likes Sully's cage better than his and that is a problem. Once everyone gets use to each other, I believe all will be fine.

Edited by luvparrots
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