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Issac 9 Months


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So on Labor day, I had my first family gathering at my new place. Total of 5 people all together, the biggest crowd Issac has been around. At first, I started out with him in the cage, it was just too much for me to imagine him and every one else getting used to. I was fine while everyone was walking around, but his little cheeps requesting to be out of his cage were too much while we were all huddled around a table eating. So I set a little place for him to eat with us and gave him some of a corn cob to nibble on. He pecked at it for a little while, then just sat on my shoulder for the rest of the time, looking around at everyone in wonder...it was super cute. I had no problems keeping him out and around while everyone was there for the rest of the time. He would just perch on things and watch us all. Mostly from my shoulder.


So a time that I had anticipated would be difficult, was remarkably easy. I am so glad that Issac is well-behaved around all my family members. My general rule is to tell people not to approach him if they are fearful and to always let them know that there are no guarantees when it comes to getting nipped. He steps up to those who are brave enough without issue. But it does take a little time for him to be comfortable with new people. He always comes around though.


He is finding new perching locations. For some reason he like to fly to the moulding around the front door and cling there like...well...spider-bird. It is the funniest thing. It looks like this:




There is also a ceiling fan (which remains off perminently so don't worry) he likes to fly onto. When he lands, it creates a little momentum and he rides it around for about a half a revolution. It's cute.


Toys....he loves ripping apart birdie bagels. You know the rings that look like empty tape rolls. I love this because they are cheap! I am going to buy dozens of them the next time I go to the bird store.


After a little over a week, he can now find me pretty much anywhere in the house and zero in on my shoulder. I love seeing him fly by a doorway as he zips down the hallway. It's a nice straight way where he can get a little speed, I think he likes it.


One other thing about my balcony at my new place, I noticed that it would lend itself well to bird proofing. I am thinking about getting some sort of caging or wire mesh of some sort, and enclosing the patio so that he could come out there. (And to prevent escapes from that route as well.) It would be a great way for him to be outside and see things from the balcony. I have to go to home depot to look around for the right stuff to use. If anyone knows of a material that is not a big eye sore, let me know. Thanks.

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Wonderful UPdate! Issac is doing great and kudos to you both for the out time with family. It seems he just enjoyed a larger flock, soaked it in and probably at some pointed decided all were "Ok". To do that sort of flying and landing on that door frame certainly exhibits the great flying skills he has already mastered and more importantly the landing skills of where to grab on to what.


Thanks for this wonderful update. Good luck on finding the right mesh pattern you wish to use at the hardware store. No doubt you will find the right one for you. Just make sure the gauge is thick enough that he cannot bite through it, as I'm sure you already know.

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Wonderful UPdate! Issac is doing great and kudos to you both for the out time with family. It seems he just enjoyed a larger flock, soaked it in and probably at some pointed decided all were "Ok". To do that sort of flying and landing on that door frame certainly exhibits the great flying skills he has already mastered and more importantly the landing skills of where to grab on to what.


Thanks for this wonderful update. Good luck on finding the right mesh pattern you wish to use at the hardware store. No doubt you will find the right one for you. Just make sure the gauge is thick enough that he cannot bite through it, as I'm sure you already know.


Yep, he hooks on that molding with a single talon then looks off like in that photo. And yes, the material will have to be can-opener proof. ;) I would just love for him to be able to be outside on the patio with me and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.

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that is great that Issac takes to people and that she can fly and land on what ever she wants to. I know the feeling you have because Corky likes people and loves to fly she also likes to travel and has been in about 25 states and has stade in hotels motels homes of family members and long periods in the motor home.

Great up date Ray

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I just found the link to the thread that I remember seeing here on netting.



That is good instant protection, but it looks as if he could get through that. I am more thinking of a wire mesh solution so he can actually sit out on the patio for extended periods of time. So it's gonna have to be strong enough to prevent his escape. ;)

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wire is expensive.. Well at least I thought so. I bought a roll of 1 by 1/2 (I think thats what it was) for the aviary we made for our Cali house, which was 4'wx8l'x7't, and it was like 300 from a hardware store. We had to scrub it with vinegar and water with a wire brush a few times too, thats what I read how to make wire safe for birds, other than to let it sit out for in the weather months. I think we only used about half a role.

Edited by KimKim
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