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Should I put my bird on antibiotics? Advice please!


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Jasper my 8mo CAG had a full check up last week. All his tests came back normal except for the in house cytology. Apparently there's gram negative bacteria in his crop? The vet just said she found it abnormal, with excessive gram negative bacteria in the crop and slight on the choanal.


She recommended baytril to get rid of the gram negative bacteria, but I am hesitant to put him on antibiotics when there is no actual infection and he's in perfect health in every other way. She said when there's gram negative that is a clue of an infection but that sometimes it's just something he ate and that it isn't necessarily an infection. She also said they can sometimes get rid of it on their own so I'm confused on what to do.


Do I put him on baytril or recheck his cytology next week in case of false positives from something he ate?


What are some holistic things I can do to reduce the gram negative bacteria in his crop?

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Baytril is safe, Spock was on it twice. Give your baby plain fat free yogurt [Probiotics,or acidophiles] while he's on any antibiotic, [ Ask you vet] They sell Probiotics for birds on the net. Yogurt, a 1/2 teaspoon twice a day, Acidophiles, 1/10 a adult dose.[powder mixed with something] This replaces stomach good Bactria that antibiotics destroy....Ask your vet. You should start him right away on the Baytril, for now, stick with what your vet says, it won't hurt him..Jayd

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