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Happy Romo Update


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A month or so ago, I posted about our 3 yr old TAG, Romo and how aggressive he had become towards me. Flying directly at my face, attacking my head without provocation and savagely biting me without warning - and I am his main caregiver!

Y'all gave me great advice, which I followed. He's getting more out of cage time, I've protected all the wood furniture he was chewing, and if he doesn't want anything to do with me, I respect it and go about my business. I stopped taking his behavior personally - he accepts his baths now because he is going to get them one way or another, and once he realized that, he almost seemed to enjoy them. I tell him it's time for a bath and he stopped trying to get away from it once he realized it is inevitable. Yesterday he really wanted out of the cage, but I had to go to work, so I made him some scrambled eggs (he would sell his soul for scrambled eggs) and he was perfectly happy to stay in his cage and eat his treat. While I post this, he is perched on the top of the door, talking away to me, and since I am off work for the next 3 days, he can spend it all out of the cage if he wants.....as long as he behaves. He does still fly at me occasionally, but since I don't react anymore, it isn't as much "fun" for him. I can't thank you all enough for the help you provided, Romo has even had some moments lately when he wanted his head rubbed and cuddled, and that hasn't happened in almost a year!!


Deb and Romo in N TX

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