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I have a male ekkie I rehomed a year and a-half ago. He has yellow and white coming in with his new feathers. He was totally plucked front and back when I got him. His diet was terrible and frankly he was a mess. His diet is much better, he is much calmer and I am just grateful he has stopped plucking. Perhaps someday he will have green feathers again.

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About a month after I got her, my ekkie's first molt produced a bunch of yellow feathers. The pattern on this bird's face & head look a lot like the stress bars that Kura had.


I found out there are a number of possible causes besides natural mutation. This can be caused from hormones, disease, feather destruction, dietary issues & stress. Because she was a rescue I was pretty convinced that Kura's problems were the last 2. Once corrected, there was a huge difference in her feathers & her colors were normal by her second molt.


There are apparently some conditions where the change can be permanent, though. There's a lot of information in this link, if it helps...



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I just bought her yesterday as i tought she was kind of special.

The reason I asked was as birdhouse said, it looks like a nutritional or stress relater problem, a possible lack of needed nutrients. Ekkie need a special diet. Loud noise, arguing, is very bad for them, especially for a female.....Jayd

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

What a pretty bird.


This ekkie sounds a lot like my wife. no loud noise or arguing. it doesn't agree with her. if you wants to get on her bad side try either one and she will avoid u like you were a grey who over did it on the dairy.

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