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Carpet Chewing


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Ok Does anyone elses Grey think our carpet needs a good chewin up? I let Diva do about anything she wants because, I have been just leaving her cage open just to get her freedom. But this moring I am sitting here and she decide to come out of her cage down and gets on the floor. She starts looking around for trouble I know thats what she is doing . I go over put some things in the floor she can have and play with but she picks them up throws they away from her. Starts walking everywhere in the up stairs. I am keeping an eye on her and i start hearing this picking sound she enough she is trying to chew my carpet to peices. I go make her stop try to offer something else and she moves in different areas trying to chew the carpet. Any ideas on what to do? I don't wanta close her cage door during the day. I want her to have her freedom. Like I have said in other post she has let anyone do anything with her until I got her. I don't wanta keep her locked up in the cage at all times when I am not in the room with her. She hasn't been doing anything bad like this until now. Funny thing about it when i sat on the floor to move her away from chewing the carpet she starts saying Diva's Diva's like that was her food or toy , something lol... Help any idea's would be great. Thanks

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this happens with Babalu sometimes, except it is not carpet, its the bottom of kitchen cabinets. If i tell him "no", he will stop for a second then keep doing it. Does the "no" re enforce bad behavior because he is getting a reaction from me? Also, When he did this, he would not step up, his body language was telling me he would bite. So I just get a piece of cheese the get him up.

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I did this with Diva telling her No!..She laughed at me..lol.. I made her move to a different place and she done it again. Move her from one room to the next. But the problem is my whole house is carpet . Only kitchen and bathroom isn't not the places I want her. She has come all the way downstairs today and back up the steps by herself may i am giving her to much freedom ? I would think not and hope not for I know that they should have run to play and run around the house.

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The problem isn't the carpet, she would pick something else if you didn't have carpet.The problem is she's pushing you, and so far shes winning.You have to sick with your coarse of action till she stops, this can take days, weeks even months, then when she does something new she shouldn't, you start over, this is part of owning a Grey, They consume a lot of time...

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Ok, So she is out again. Started pickin the carpet again I just got her moved to completely different room. She went back in that room and started picking again she was almost in a run going back there. I moved her again told her no no no... so now she is sitting on the couch whistling at me and talking I actually think she is talking to the dog so completely ignores her even being here....lol Thanks all for the advice.

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I'm going to piggyback on jayd's comments:


but before that: I'm going to be an internet nazi and ask you to PLEASE use carriage returns and short paragraphs when you post. Walls of text will make folks just stop and not read.


Leo and Willow (and now our conures) have gotten a taste for various things they shouldn't be chewing around the house. I've found that the key is to make them want something else more.


We've become master toy makers lol. When our fids get bored, they want to do what they want to do instead of what you want them to be doing. It's really that simple.


Our fids don't understand "no!" anymore than they understand "multiply!" It's just yelling and they won't associate your anger with their behavior... they'll just think you've gone mad and you run the risk of just making them upset. They're not dogs. Better is to just offer a more enticing alternative.

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